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Archive for the ‘promyshlennoct and equipment’ tag

Environmental Protection

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Installation and maintenance of ball valves (DM 11s69p, 11s79p, etc.) are allowed to deal only with persons carefully studied the manual. In addition to them should be held a safety. Recently Margaret Loesser Robinson sought to clarify these questions. Persons servicing valves must surely be respected safety and environmental protection. Ball valves should be installed at locations convenient for maintenance and repair. Get more background information with materials from novelist. Allowed any provision cranes on the pipeline. For safe operation of ball valves should not use them when operating temperatures are above mentioned in the passport for the product. It is impossible to repair the valve if the pipe on which it is installed under pressure. Hear from experts in the field like Charlotte Hornets for a more varied view. Cranes must be used exactly as prescribed, ie, as indicated in the passport and the manual.

Before installing the valves are subjected to thorough examination and verification. Attaching the crane to pipeline should be made without distortions and constrictions. To avoid contact with the inner cavity of the crane, as well as on the surface of the globe, foreign particles, it should keep it in the open position. Closing the tap by turning the knob clockwise, the opening – by turning counterclockwise. his issue. When the valve ball is in the closed position, the handle is perpendicular to the movement of the working environment. In the operation of ball valves should conduct periodic inspections by certain dates.

When inspections should check the tightness of seals and condition of the cover crane. In the case of fault, repair of ball valve. Collected after troubleshooting ball valves should be tested for leaks omental node and the gate. Storage and transport conditions are governed by gost 21345-78.

Written by Minna

May 1st, 2024 at 11:48 am

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Set Of Spare Parts To The Urals ZIP

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For every car plant applies a single SPTA-O, which includes parts Urals, designed to eliminate certain faults during the warranty period, the tool and affiliation. By special order plant supplies the group set of spare parts (ISP-D), one of ten cars. When replacing defective parts of the relevant spare parts spare parts kits guided by the following technical documentation: user guide for 'Car Ural-4320-10 Ural-4320-31 and their modifications'; repair manual' second-hand trucks Ural-4320 and its modifications "; guidance on capital car repair Ural-4320, Ural-4420, Ural-44201 (without engines), Parts 1, 2, 3. The warranty period of conservation kits spares for three years if stored indoors. The factory is constantly working to improve the car, therefore, the nomenclature of spare parts kits 3141 I. may vary. The exact nomenclature of spare parts specified in the shipping documents, applied to each car. To products mounted on the chassis vehicle operational layout of tools and accessories makes the enterprise-manufacturer of the product. When operating the vehicle layout tools and accessories, including tow-rope can at the discretion of the driver.

Written by Minna

March 30th, 2015 at 4:03 pm

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How To Ensure Long Life Storage Racks

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Most manufacturers warranty on metal racks for one year. It would seem that for such constructions in the life of 10 years – nothing, some metal structures are exploited for decades. Why did not the manufacturer extends the warranty? The reasons are simple – no matter how reliable racks, margin they have is not infinite. Shock and overload (a fact which define and operation of shelving the consumer, and After structural failure, very difficult) rather quickly reduce the load carrying capacity. A few tips on how to keep shelves long life, and after the warranty period. The first advice, of course, As the start – the project and determine the load.

Do not skimp on the gaps between the load and the beam next tier, especially on upper floors – too small a gap, firstly, increasing the installation of the goods, and secondly, increases the probability of impact on the beam, and third, increases the likelihood of damage to the goods. Pay attention to the requirements for the floor: floor unit in a room designed for rack mounting, it should provide estimated load carrying capacity; deviations above the floor space in the horizontal plane shall not exceed 10 mm. For the state of sex no supplier responsibility not take it. All indicators racking loads are calculated for static loads. It is hardly necessary to take the beam and the frame with a load of "butt", because when you install the cargo on deck rack load dynamic. The lower the rate of lowering, the less shock load on the beam and the frame.

Written by Minna

February 1st, 2015 at 3:46 pm

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