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The International Tattoo Covention Comes To Berlin

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At the former airport Tempelhof in Berlin, the 20 is early December. International tattoo Convention held. Friends of body art can look forward to an event taking place at the end of the year in Berlin. By Friday, December 3rd to Sunday, 5th December Tempelhof is the 20 on the site of the former airport. (Not to be confused with Charlotte Hornets!). International tattoo Convention held.

The Creme de la Creme of tattoo from all over the world comes to Germany, in order to flaunt their skills and compete for prizes in categories such as best large tattoo and craziest body art. Who this weekend in a stopping Berlin Hotels, may with lots of flashy and flamboyant tattoos among thousands of visitors look forward, who will attend the event. In addition to the skin ornaments, entertainment is available also during the three days with musicians, magicians, acrobats, fire Namingly, snake charmers and other attractions. Tickets cost 19 for a day or 39 for the whole weekend. The last year’s Winner of the tattoo Queen title Carina Jost will be guest of honour at the 20th Convention here.

The choice to the coronation of the new tattoo Queen 2011 will be one of the highlights of the event as expected, the tattooed woman can participate in. The British Isobel Varley, who holds the world record as the most tattooed senior citizen, is also expected at the Convention. The operation of Tempelhof was 2008 set and the terrain Festival used for public events such as the Berlin in September bands occurred such as LCD Soundsystem, editor and Soulwax. For more information about this event, please visit the website of the Berlin tattoo Convention. LateRooms.com offers a variety of accommodation in Berlin, including the Maritim Hotel Berlin.

Written by Minna

April 2nd, 2019 at 11:41 am

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Senate Of Hamburg Is A Demand Of Pennergame.de After

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The Hamburg Senate opens nuclear bomb shelter for the homeless! A measure calling for the browser game paddock game for a long time. Hamburg, 03 December 2010 winter breaks suddenly and icy over the Hanseatic City these days. Given the frosty situation Hamburg opens an atom bomb shelter as emergency accommodation for homeless people. Late Thursday night, the Senate voted to open the attachment without red tape and immediately for the needy. An idea from the House of Pennergame.de. The virtual bums sleep long in public bunkers and urban catacombs in the bum game worlds (www.pennergame.de). All punk bands use even nuclear plants. Until yesterday this was just fun fiction, the gates to the plant remained closed the homeless people in reality.

Finally, the city of Hamburg of our claim comes after. The homeless disturb anyone and now have a warm roof over their heads”, Marius Follert (22), behind the bum game, is satisfied with the decision. Some of the Hamburg-based media and politicians sharply criticize Penner game for a long time: the game throw derogatory views of homeless people. The satirical online game focuses on homelessness and exclusion in a playful way, but leads the way out of the digital gutter only through cooperation with homeless friends, almost like in real life. Now, the Hamburg Senate shows his heart and are the claims of the criticized game. Penner game is actively engaged for the homeless, it donates a portion of the proceeds benefit local homeless projects regularly. To international events such as the earthquake in Haiti or the homeless World Cup in Rio, the game also with his community organized community fundraisers.

About color flood the color flood Entertainment GmbH develops and operates worldwide online games. Founder and Managing Director is the 22-year-old Marius Follert and Niels Wildung. The internationally operating company is operative with his games – including the successful Penner game – in over 30 countries in nine languages. The Hamburg-based company engaged be active for the homeless, by regularly donates a portion of the revenue for the benefit of charitable projects and works closely with many homeless associations.

Written by Minna

March 26th, 2019 at 12:44 am

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Cultural Treasures Close To Enjoy – 3pc And The Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin

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“Treasures” now to the download once the famous finale of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony to follow while listening in the original manuscript, or read in the manuscript of eichendorff’s moon night so far that is normally only possible for experts under strict conditions. With the new app cultural treasures of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, developed by 3pc, now anyone can quite comfortably at home on his couch. The Berlin State Library has extensive collections and archives full of rare writings and objects that are usually only for research purposes or during exhibitions to visit without that there really close to get them. The State Library for a particular step has decided to make available their treasures for people: to present individual pieces on the occasion of its 350th anniversary in the last year about an iPad app. Starting from the exhibition on the anniversary, in the large-format photographs of personalities from politics, economy, culture and entertainment,. each staged with an exhibit, we have taken these 24 pictures and given them additional experience levels. “” Bishop Wolfgang Huber has herself be “poem, who am I?” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, read and in the expressiveness of his presentation the importance is recognizable, that did the work for him personally. Only one of the impressive examples of the experience, which often gives the app.

“The broken jug reads Nobel literature laureate Herta Muller in the autograph of Kleist ‘s”, compares the historical role of Linden Boulevard under the Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit poem das lied der Deutschen studied Unter den Linden of the present, the politician Joachim Gauck “and much more. The images leads to digitised material of the writings or pictures of the exhibits. Additional find approaching to zoom information, audio files, and the ability to details. All digitised material in the app are characterized by excellent quality, which allows even the smallest Details to see. Who wanted to study to ever into its individual parts disassembled an astrolabe from the 13th century or a globe dating back to 1636, is now no longer prevented from by a Velvet rope, close approach. As experts in the field of culture and years of partner of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and many other libraries, 3pc has a special appreciation for the preparation of scientific and cultural content.

The medium of the app is just to convey of the emotion and meaning of the exhibits. The touchscreen Tablet allows the emergence of new worlds and real access, in which not only is shown, but the user can find out the individual pieces. But the best you can explore the free app itself. So just download and enjoy: itunes.apple.com/de/app/kulturschatze-aus-den-sammlungen/id489473761?mt=8 3pc.de/presse/presse_lang.html?NID = 200602497 our passion for the medium of the Internet is undiminished after 15 years. As one of the first Internet agencies, we implement since 1996 solutions for complex and communication-intensive Web sites. For this we were with the Grimme online award, as well as many other prizes awarded. Discharge complication *-our key strength is our interdisciplinary competence. We offer everything from one source: conception, design, programming, editing, online marketing, hosting, search engine optimization and of course apps – new communication for a new time.

Written by Minna

November 18th, 2018 at 1:19 am

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Roommate wanted! Seven artists-WG seeks enthusiastic audience seven artists-WG seeks enthusiastic audience for an unforgettable evening in the Chameleon! LOFT is fully furnished with TV, harness, sofa and refrigerator. Breathtaking acrobatics and great entertainment including! From February 23, 2012, the Canadian success company invites the 7 fingers”into her LOFT in the Chameleon theatre and let us participate in their lives together and it looks as expected a little differently by seven high-profile performers: here, a curtain is ever used for graceful aerial acrobatics, and without further ADO, a floor lamp turns into a dance partner. Get ready for humor on many artistic surprise and plenty! Already received many international awards with their inexhaustible ingenuity have the 7 fingers”; “at the biggest festival of contemporary circus, the Festival Mondial you Cirque de Demain” in Paris, she gained equal multiple gold. Their innovative stagings critic applause is safe; “” so celebrated the Canadian newspaper Le Devoir “LOFT show as a gift from the God of the theatre”. Awesome, original, spectacular and a little crazy this WG is also easy to the fall in love! “” The press: one of the most brilliant shows of this decade “Arts de la piste / France a totally watchable, entertaining evening, spiced with a good pinch of intellect – an eye and ear candy funny and complex!” San Francisco Weekly / United States the unorthodox, intelligent, ironic and breathtakingly skilful miracle of the new circus is called the 7 fingers!

Written by Minna

November 17th, 2018 at 8:44 am

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Concert Special: Shanti Sing Kirtan, Bhajans And Mantras

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“Saturday, November 14, 18:30 – Yoga culture Studio in Basel Yoga day special on 14november 2009 in yoga culture Studio from 13:30 yoga practice ‘In the flow of the experience’ explore the power of experience to capture the essence of your true nature to reveal and your true self” to learn. You will experience the flow of experience after a dynamic warm-up period, which culminates in back bends and many other highlights. All Studenten know their full potential and evolve constantly. Yoga with Vincent. “Appointment in detail: 14 / 11 13:30 16:00 cost: 40,-CHF 18:30 concert special – Shanti Yoga culture Studio Basel we would all the more get freedom, feel more love, conscious Leben.Mit we want to take the horizon, resonate with our hearts sing the various names of the divine in common sound.” Shanti, an inspirational mantra duo of Switzerland and Germany, with their first album in baggage just play songs with harp, harmonium, guitar and percussion to go to rave, to celebrate more information: dates in detail: 14 18:30 20:30 sign up now at

Written by Minna

May 6th, 2016 at 1:48 am

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Pirmasenser Photo Festival

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“City Pirmasens is already for the third time of photo art from various subject areas on publicly accessible places of urban everyday life Pfalz wide unique cultural event face of the photo days offers exhibitions, workshops and model contest citizens and guests for sixteen days” Pirmasens, November 24, 2010. Cover up”: the Pirmasenser photo days go from 10 to 26 June 2011 in the third round. With 1,200 images of over 70 photographers, whose Werke on about 30 venues to see bears photo art from the various topics in the daily life of citizens and guests of the city appealing Pfalz unique cultural and leisure event of its kind. In addition to the distributed exhibitions a continuously open exhibition in the Rheinberger – building complex offers a selection of pictures of each participating artist and therefore an overview of photo days; Here, the central point with Info for visitors is also installed. The program also includes 20 workshops and again also a model contest. The Motto of the award-winning competition whose winner publicly will vote, is the face of photo days this time.” As of February 2011, photos can be submitted for this purpose.

The event team to the artistic director of the photo days Harald Kroher expected to last after the successful events of the year 2009 with approximately 10,000 visitors and City Marketing Director Rolf Schlicher again numerous visitors from Rhineland-Palatinate, the Saarland, Baden-Wuerttemberg and Hesse, as well as from the French border environment. The preliminary schedule foresees a launch event on June 10 in the Rheinberger Atrium, a solemnity in the citizens Festival Hall to put on June 26 the final point. Before, during, and after the photo days the Web site at for more information. With the Pirmasenser photo days we give the opportunity to participate in passing on a so lively and popular art form like the photography all interested parties.

Written by Minna

March 8th, 2015 at 9:26 am

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