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The Ego
And God it made to the man to his image and similarity And us we believed to it and it did not conform to us. Ever since us deserts and we walked, we think that our north is infinite and voluntary. We are human and God is God anyone cannot show similar pride, then, our birthdays and pride slide in inconcientes parallel routes. And if the director of the school is astonished of the intelligence of the boy and predicts a future of unique scientist or artist, the familiar stupidity feeds the ego conforming a figure that exceeds our physical contour. We thus begin to rob space with our fluids of wisdom and in some, this until it is materialized in obesity. Others inapetentes- adopt an attitude autista that generates gula envious of which as soon as they can scribble with a pencil. With the passage of the years, we happen in kings of the planet and accumulated knowledge persecuting more and more to eliminate the distance in the image and similarity near the equality with which it made us think that we could all it.
But nobody nor God is so generous. Surreptitiously and with an cleverness that demonstrates the impossibility to match to us, an ace in the sleeve, simple but bottomless and at first sight forceful has kept at the time of the truth. In unison they die almost surely, one in a private clinic; the other, in a hospital without turns the wise person and the idiot of a peritonitis. Incomparable macabre joke of the Highest one was to put in our earthly packages the inconspicuous weapon. Yes! All we have APPENDIX but not one anyone. No! I am speaking of APPENDIX VERMICULAR or thin and hollow prolongation (to contain nothing), of variable length (to tickle mortal more or less intense according to where it arrives), that is in the internal and terminal part of the internal blind person (well blind) of the man, the monkeys (of there one of the theories of our ancestry) and of some rodents (not of all for that reason, some we are more or less rats). It saves, omnipotent Sir! With a meat small piece you maintain to insurmountable ray and beams to us your throne.
Your ignominy without limits has its maximum manifestation when you allow that it becomes inflamed. Yes, because it only depends on your whim that our bloody efforts to endiosar are cut to us of curdle. But I warn to you: in these times of speed cybernetics and mainly, of battles won to diseases, once incurable, we are approaching dangerously a to discover your secret. Our bloody fight in the development of the brain does not pause and I can anticipate the Chronicle plate redder than ever, with the white letters that exceed the screen while group of people towards the television stimulated by its unmistakable music of march and I can hear my outburst of laughter accompanying the voice by the speaker: The news of last moment! Shortage is had why it serves the APPENDIX.