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Dollar Today

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Analysis of the currency market Euro Dollar Today we would have to put all our attention in the level of the 1,4299, that will be a ground level for the short term. This level is determined by the line of bullish tendency of the 22 of December. It is for that reason that the level of support in the zone of the 1,4299 will present/display the level of support for today and if bankruptcy this zone could be testear the level of the 1.4216. On the other hand, in the short term the resistance level is in the zone of the 1,4421, and only if bankruptcy this zone we could be testear the 1,4509 and further on the 1.4555. Support: 1.4299: Line of bullish tendency. 1.4216: Top of the 22 of December. 1.4176: Minimum of the 1 of September. Resistance: 1.4421: Line of bearish tendency.

1.4509: Minimum of the 3 of November. 1.4555: Minimum of the 11 of January. Pound Dollar Today we would have to put all our attention in the level of the 1,6249, that will be a ground level for the short term. This level is determined by the line of bullish tendency that leaves from the 1.5913. It is for that reason that the level of support in the zone of the 1,6249 will present/display the level of support for today and if bankruptcy this zone could be testear the level of the 1.6178. ubishi-heavy-industries-and-doosan/’>Areva. , Nevertheless short term the resistance level is in the zone of the 1,6344, and only if bankruptcy this zone we could be testear the 1,6408 and the 1.6459. Support: 1.6249: Line of bullish tendency at hour level.

1.6178: Level Fibonacci 38,2%. 1.6069: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. Resistance: 1.6344: Daily level. 1.6408: Maximum level of the 16 of December. Go to Tony Parker for more information. 1.6459: Minimum level of the 20 of November. Dollar Yen the even dollar-yen tried to in vain break the level of support specified in the report of Friday in the 90.76. The great question is if it will continue a bullish or bearish tendency, but we must have present that we approached the zone of the 89. In the graph we defined the key points according to the theory of Elliot like and b. The zone of support is now in the 90,76, and if the pair falls below this zone the 89.79 could testear. The resistance level is in the 91,30 and if the even bankruptcy this zone will follow a bullish correction and the 91,87 could be testear in the first place and soon the 92.59. Support: 90.76: Level Fibonacci 61,8% short term. 89.79: Level Fibonacci 61,8% medium term. 89,22 Level of previous support/resistance. Resistance: 91.30: Maximum level of the Asian session. 91.87: Level Fibonacci 38,2%. 92.59: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. Analysis by: Forexpros.es with the participation of Munther. Exoneration of responsibility: The operating one of futures, options and currencies entails significant an associate risk and perhaps he is not advisable for all type of investor. It would have to analyze carefully if before his particular situation you count on the knowledge, the experience and the resources necessary to operate in these markets. Perhaps it loses all the inverted capital or that their losses surpass to the bottoms deposited initially. The advice, opinions and recommendations are subjects to changes constantly.

Written by Minna

February 25th, 2024 at 3:56 am

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This article deals with the graduate and the candidate's preparation for the unified state exam through the Internet. For this, I typed in a search engine "preparation for ct – 2009" The result was 330,000 sites! Lest you spend their precious time, I will introduce in the course of the case. Despite the huge amount of resources, they all offer about the same. There are several options for training, short of which I tell you. In a question-answer forum Tony Parker was the first to reply. Most common way, go to the site, there is proposed according to the applicant's ability to perceive information and free time are two techniques.

The first – full-time training in the proposed site schools, which, as it is said, are training teachers of schools and colleges. In such courses is taught skills testing, understanding of the language tasks, the proper allocation of time on the exam, a popular topics for which will be the largest number of questions will also learn how not to perform the most common and technical errors. The cost ranges from 10000 rubles for the course sessions. Second – comfortable, at home, so-called – Online courses, pay for access to the site (1000 rubles) and you go to a server where you will be asked to undergo control testing prior to completing the course, also laid out the theoretical material related to your subject, brief recommendations to prepare for the cse examination of several types of jobs, including jobs that cause the most problems for applicants, online simulators to help you analyze your mistakes.

Written by Minna

February 17th, 2024 at 7:33 am

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Japanese Hokkaido

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During the implementation of a new international project that runs under evroprogrammy 'Life' will be to develop models of ecological situation in Kaliningrad. And it takes first place in Russia in the number of cars per capita. As a result of environmental monitoring carried out by ecologists for more than 80% of air pollution in urban areas are automobile exhaust fumes. But the Moscow authorities have gone further, and perhaps in the near future to ban the construction of the gas station, on which there is no alternative fuel refueling. Movie actress may help you with your research. The city will buy the vehicles, the appropriate standards of 'Euro-3', and lower the cost of gas and dimethyl ether.

Part of city fleet Moscow will transfer to an alternative fuel in order to set an example to private owners, car owners. All these measures are stated in the document developed by the Department of Transport and Communications of Moscow – the concept of reducing vehicle emissions. There is also a draft resolution of the city government's' On the extension of the use of dimethyl ether and other alternative fuels. " The new fuel will have to gradually supplant gasoline and diesel fuel to gas stations in Moscow. At the same time, the cars on hydrogen fuel tested for resistance to frost, which is important for our climate.

Since the Japanese Hokkaido from February 19 to 23 were tested for stability of the hydrogen car Mazda RX-8 Hydrogen RE. This car is an analogue of commercial models of this brand, sold in Japan. Our salvation may have ability to opt out of nuclear energy as well as the oil in the near future. Salvation may be in the advanced technologies derived from the representatives of … extraterrestrial civilizations. A former Canadian defense minister, 83-year-old Paul Hellyer (Paul Hellyer) is convinced that aliens have visited Earth. According to him, to have 'hard evidence collected by the UFO. " He says that extraterrestrials have an alternative to fossil fuels and by some systems, allowing travel through trillions of miles away, and got hold of earthlings information about these technologies, but the power to hide. 'We have to convince the government to tell frankly all they know, – the Ex-minister newspaper Ottawa Citizen. – Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and this knowledge may be enough to save our planet if applied quickly to '. I must say that the Canadians to the eccentricities Hellyera not stranger: in 1967 he officially opened the 'spaceport for UFOs "in Alberta, and September 25, 2005 Policy, speaking at a symposium in Toronto, has announced that he saw a UFO one night with my own eyes. Ever since the former minister in every way supports the theory of the existence of 'little green men. " What do you think there is life on other planets?

Written by Minna

September 7th, 2018 at 1:11 am

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Rima Lunin

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Let the child repeat out loud for you, rather than silently listening. Discuss their actions. Suggestive question leads the child to the correct thoughts, but try to make a final correct answer, he pronounced himself. Ears – only 20% of what a child hears – he remembers. Therefore, some of your explanations will not suffice. Eyes – 30% of what the baby sees – he learns. Draw him visual images to explain the material. Only the figures should not be boring, but funny and original, then the child will be an association, and it is easy to understand the material.

What type of treat your child? But every man some of these channels, in one degree or another predominates. There are three basic types of children in the way of mastering information. Says school psychologist Rima Lunin: Kinestichesky type. People of this type are taught primarily through direct participation and action. The child must be constantly moving, and when speaking he can not do without Gesturing. It will be good to absorb the information if the learning process combined with any activity.

Let the stresses change paints, pencils or arranges counting sticks, as long as its occupation is not distracted by others. Kinestetikam requires quiet surroundings and the possibility of movement. Ask the teacher that she allowed the child take short respite during the lesson (even baby wipe off the board, goes wet rag or help distribute all notebooks). So it is not necessary to train a diligence during homework. If the child violently forced to sit back and listen to the teacher (or mother), he did not remember anything and will lose interest in studying. He sits quietly for as long as can. With age, the child matures, and learn to follow the established norms of behavior. Visual style. Its main channel of perception – vision.

Written by Minna

December 30th, 2016 at 10:33 am

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History Development

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Alexander von Brenner's work at all: rational reconstruction of history of psychology, as metaphysical problems of methodology PSYCHOLOGY If we consider the most important methodological concepts in the order in which in the twentieth century. gave way to fashion them, we can detect a certain tendency. It consists in the gradual withdrawal of the methodological concepts of orientation solely on the formal logical structures and increasing their rapprochement with the history of science, the logic of the historical development of science in motion from the severity of formal care for the logical constructs of caring about the adequacy of the historical development of science, from the deliberations and decisions problems associated with analysis of the structure of knowledge, procedures, verification and validation of theories to address issues that arise when describing the development of knowledge. Thus came the modern requirement for the methodology of science – ensure the movement of scientific knowledge on the main road of history of science. But how to identify this line? To describe the development of knowledge in theory there is a paradigm and a paradigm shift Kuhn, a rational reconstruction history of science and methodology of scientific research programs I. Lakatos, a theory of their adherents and followers Pechenkin AA, 1996. Understanding these theories, in turn, results in the methodology to change attitudes metaphysics, which seeks to bring knowledge to the limit a single system, and thus allows to simulate historical development of science in general. Metaphysics return of the science and recognize its beneficial influence I.

Written by Minna

December 26th, 2016 at 7:26 am

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Pedagogical Project

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The fulfilment of the requirements of the titulao is not reflected, necessarily in a epistemolgica and pedagogical formation. The insertion of the professional in the area of the teaching, Institutions of Education Superior, has been to a large extent for the varied knowledge and areas of performance, without same no preparation in educational the philosophical field to endorse the teaching function. We consider that the knowledge in the areas of Sciences Social Human beings and are prerequisite for the university professor, a time that goes to make to understand it as if of the o process teach-learning. Understanding this process it will be able to develop one practical pedagogical condizente with the necessity of formation of the pupil. Each time in the preparation of the university professors for the teaching is necessary to deepen this quarrel on the more complex requirements, therefore it is clearly that the absence of the specific formation if has reflected in the professional quality of the pupils egresses of the IES, that have not obtained to establish the necessary relations between the content lived deeply in classroom and the practical efetivao in its professional exercise. In fact, the resume of the courses it is a basic factor when the quality of the Pedagogical Project of each area is evaluated. One of the resume concepts is on to the etimolgico and means everything what it needs to be taught or to be learned according to an order of progression determined in a cycle of studies. On idea of resume the course, passages, to an organization of subjects, or knowledge, or everything what if it must learn. In the practical a concern it is as to command what necessary to be learned in a definitive order (MASETTO, 2003). Arguing professional resume, focus of our interest, we focus the teaching formation, that if it relates to the scientific knowledge of its field and the field of the education, of the pedagogia and didactics.

Written by Minna

November 23rd, 2014 at 10:20 am

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Existing Group

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This situation in them caused much concern, you are welcome would advance to advance contents with this group of children without before deciding the conflicts, thus was to search dynamic that they helped in them to mediate to the relations between them. using to advantage the development of an activity proposal where to the children they would have in group to construct to informative posters on the selective collection of the garbage and a lixeira for the campaign of cleanness in the school, also to carry through a dynamics of group with them, after to finish the task we made the exposition of the works in the picture and each group was invited to go until the o picture to observe the posters. As already we waited for the commentaries between them we could perceive that it had a quarrel for the poster prettiest, and after all to observe problematizamos the situation with them, pointing out that all to receive the same material for construction of the posters, that all were pretty, all they had reached the objective, but all were different, and even though inside of the groups the drawings were not equal all, and ask for them which would be the reason, the children had answered that she was because they were different, after to arrive at this conclusion we talk on the existing conflicts between them, and the positive result of this dynamics we can perceive in the classroom and the next ones recreation lessons, the children tried to correct its behaviors relembrando the colloquy of the dynamics. In our group also we had children that they costumavam if to be slow very to copy, and some did not only make the activities they waited for the correction in the picture or copied the reply of the colleagues, then we start to use the incentive in notebooks, we stimulate those that did not follow the group praising its initiatives and progressos for minor that were.

Written by Minna

November 3rd, 2012 at 9:35 pm

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Turkish Republic

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In this case, the translators of the XV century tried to completely adapt to the reader translated into Turkish language texts. That is why the translation was not accurate, very different from the original text. Little success in this case reached the translator Ahmed, texts have survived to this day. What can be said about the history of his birth and life, unfortunately, this information has been lost. Ahmedi translated into Turkish works of Avicenna, and other books on medicine. Thanks to his profound knowledge in this area, transfers Ahmedi used Turkish doctors until the XVII century. A curious historical fact is that during the Ottoman Empire, the middle of the XV century, during the invasion of the country Europe, Asia, Africa, considered the most valuable trophy in books and manuscripts.

The Ottoman conquerors took no weapons, valuable jewelry or armor, they drove home just books, carefully keeping them on the road. Home, brought the texts translated into Turkish. The texts were very different, philosophical, scientific, geographic, entertainment, etc. The greatest achievement in this area, it is the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, and brought home that survived after the fire, libraries, and books. Each manuscript was subjected to careful translation into Turkish. It was a long and painstaking work, sometimes on a single manuscript worked for 3-4 years. Fundamental work was the Turkish translator Ali Wasi, who lived in the XV century.

Lasted for about 20 years work on the translation into Turkish from Persian "August Book", this translation came to our days. The first grammar Turkish language was written in the XVI century, but then were drawn and the first Persian-Turkish and Persian-Arabic dictionary, but they were only printed in 200 years. It is interesting to note that the Turkish language began to grind in the emergence of the Turkish Republic, since 1923. During the period of the Turkish Republic of Turkey has experienced two reforms, the reform of language and alphabet reform. Reform of the language expressed in the ability to fully to service the arts, technology, science in Turkey. Then began an active replacement of borrowed foreign words in Turkish words. To this end, it was even created in 1932 by the Society of Turkish language, while fully in public and not private basis. Precisely because of this society, the reform of the language began to yield results. But even today in the Turkish language, can find words with Persian or Arabic descent, as well as new the notion of French and other European languages. The reform of the alphabet was the refusal of the Arabic alphabet and replaced by an alphabet based on Latin. This decision was taken at the Congress of Turkic studies in Baku in 1926. Therefore, starting from 1928, in Turkish the Latin font. Total in modern Turkish alphabet 29 letters and 29 sounds, that is, each letter has one sound. Relatives in Turkey Turkish consider 90% of the population. In Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan speak Turkish more than 35 thousand people, and in Bulgaria, 850 000 people. In Cyprus 120,000 people, while in Greece more than 129 thousand people believe a Turkish native language. In Sweden, more than 5 thousands, in Belgium, about 64 thousand, in Austria 170 000, in Germany about 2 million people speak Turkish. To date, worldwide about 100 million people speak a foreign language, regarding it as their native language.

Written by Minna

July 16th, 2011 at 4:01 pm

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