Humanitarian Aid
The international community attends the tendency, increasing, to increase the humanitarian aid destined to natural catastrophes. Without going more far, the United Nations have tried to in the last give to solidity years to a bottom of emergencia and a framework of multilateral cooperation destined to give a fast and effective aid to the countries that undergo tsunami, an earthquake, floods or any other sudden tragedy. By the same author: actress. The governments of many countries have contributed important amounts, although, as usually is habitual, few exactly fulfill the commitments related to the grant of those games. Also enough governments have favored the creation of national bottoms or structures of cooperation destined to these aims. Warehouses for food and articles of first necessity are qualified, is had military airships, personnel in guard situation and groups with a humanitarian preparation. They are advances that have allowed to act with a certain effectiveness in some extreme situations of the last times. Clear that only we can to consider these activities like successes we compared if them with previous missions full of descoordinacin, slowness, deficiency of resources and laziness (when not of bad will of corrupt and totalitarian governors) who allowed that thousands of people underwent without no aid the rigors of the nature.
Neither it can nor one is due doubt that this policy of international cooperation has to continue being developed in the same line. Million people lose their house and their family overnight, whole countries are devastated without regeneration capacity. Nevertheless, it agrees to notice certain risks related to these facts and that they could pervert the global sense of a correct cooperation, including in her the humanitarian aid of emergencia. To overturn the international cooperation towards the emergencia aid supposes in many cases of forgetting the centers of persistent poverty in many regions of the world. The mass media are very sensible to tsunami, we take as example, whenever they count on new and stirring images.