Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture

Take the Optimistic View

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The reality of these limitations exists only in the mind. You have the choice to either believe in or doubt your limitations. So, you have a choice. You can choose to be like the great composer, Beethoven, who once was told by her music teacher that as a composer, was useless. Beethoven acknowledged that he would be arrested for the label her music teacher put it, even though he was deaf. GET RID OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT SUPPORT THAT When career change professional, you may find that you struggle with their own attacks of doubt.

The last thing you need is that other people can say what they should and should not do, especially when you recognize that is not fully supported their efforts. With these people (and we all have in our lives), you must advise you love and care for them, but I would appreciate if they kept their comments about their ambitions for themselves. If not eliminate external sources of negativity, find your passions getting buried deep within himself. Recognizing that money is as plentiful as the air People sometimes do not pursue a particular career, believing that they will not do the same or more money than they are currently earning. Again, recognize that this belief is a limitation. Working for the elimination of these patterns of thought. Instead, realize that each and every job, you have the potential to make as much money as you want.

That’s right. You can make as much money as you want. Although Henry Ford was poor and uneducated, dreamed of a horseless carriage and his dream came true of what we know today as the automobile. Therefore, you must have the mentality that money is as plentiful as air. Did you ever find yourself concerned that you might not have enough air? Do you keep track of the number of breaths you take in the day, so you do not run? The answer is no, and in fact someone might think you’re crazy if you think you would experience a shortness of breath. The same is true for money. The abundance mentality is the first step in creating the wealth that accompanies your passions. Look Ahead The best way to squelch your fears is to keep eyes on the dream you want. Stephen Covey says that you must have the end in mind. Ask yourself, what would ultimately be? What do you people say about you when you die? By focusing on his dream, it is easier to reach because they can developing the necessary measures that will take you from where you are today where you want to be. Making a career change becomes less fearful and more systematic. Note that if you work 40 hours per week, then work around 2000 hours per year. Even if you are five years away, could you imagine doing his job for another 10,000 more hours? If not, make a change in your career. Your future and happiness are waiting!

Written by Minna

October 14th, 2010 at 4:01 am

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