Helen Stratford

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Scientific Search

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In this context, the first electronic publications appear, what if it believed to be a great advance for the scientific community, but this was not materialize total, in view of the increase of the price of the signatures of periodic the scientific electronic, occurring the call ' ' crisis of peridicos' '. From this crisis, the appearance of a model that allowed the gratuitous access to the scientific information, called of open archives occurs. Sponsored scientific works with public resources denote free access to the information of decurrent them, however, periodic scientific electronic are not gotten in gratuitous way. Ahead of this fact, referring questionings to the imposed restriction appear to the users, that is, few exactly have access to the scientific information with the financing of the research with public resources. Another argument concerns to the public power: as well as it sponsors projects of the scientists, can, also, contribute so that the users have free and gratuitous access to the search services.

This work is considered to display it on the model of open archives and to indicate them as a source of gratuitous consultation to that new and discovery need the scientific information for the knowledge production of, from the argument that points scientific projects, in its majority, financed with public resources, but its readings demand pecuniary return. The justification of the research is guided in the fact of that the scientific information is the essential base for the intellectual development, scientific and technological of a country. Therefore, leaving of this premise, it is distinguished that to occur this development, the scientific community comes facing barriers how much to the access to these information, restricted to a small group, making with that the country does not obtain to improve its level in the scientific scope. Therefore, the model of open archive can be a viable alternative for the free access and increase of scientific productions.

Written by Minna

June 18th, 2012 at 9:23 am

Posted in News

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