Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture

Arms Museum

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Gingerbread with nuts, honey, raisins, covered with chocolate glaze – I will not torment you more urgently gather in Tula and you can taste them yourself. Better once to try it, than I will be a long story about them! Perhaps you are lucky in Tula be a small souvenir special stock markets. Pay attention to the blanket, made of rags. Do not be skeptics who falsely claim that the presence of such things in the house – a sign of boundless . By the way, make a quilt from scraps do not so easily. To this end, suitable fabrics are cut into small pieces. Their shape should be suitable to the future they could be sewn into a single fabric. This method is called "patchwork" and is popular not only in Slavic countries but also in the West.

Consider yourself lucky if you manage to find not just the canvas, and the whole picture of the flaps – an original gift and decoration of any home. Will return directly to Thule. Residents themselves Tula say that if you put together some of the names of Tula street, you can get the machine. Why would it? Besides that, in addition, are known to all samovars and gingerbread, Tula is also famous for weapons. To see this, enough to visit the Arms Museum. I do not deny that weapons, even as a souvenir, not a cheap, besides, to acquire it will need a special permit. On the other hand, if you're looking for something the original and not like anything else, the best souvenir to think is impossible. Anyone will be nice to get, for example, a saber, made at the factory, which at one time he founded the Peter the Great! Tula is also a harmonic hardly a gift budget.

But, certainly, they are worth. Accordion as a kind of art is famous throughout the world. Indescribable beauty, this instrument is able to publish the most that neither is clean and waves of sound that seemed a balm for the Russian soul. Your friend musician if he did not ask you to bring to squeeze it, it is sure to be pleased similar souvenirs. Most important feature of souvenirs of their Tula – their distinctive origin and the inability to become a tourist legend used for commercial purposes. Tula captivating sincerity. One Russian-American who speaks Russian cuisine restaurant in California, told that the subjects of the Russian culture need to purchase only in Russia. Then they are able to conserve heat and to give such unfashionable, but it is necessary for each person, "feeling at home." After all of this and people are coming to the restaurant his native cuisine, being far from home. Back home, you will not regret that overseas znoyu preferred Tulu, because the impressions you will have less. Now, the samovar, you can always relax and think about that, about What to think about electric kettles people have long forgotten how.

Written by Minna

June 3rd, 2011 at 10:03 am

Posted in News

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