Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture


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In the social point of view, it provides social areas of leisure, sport, recreation, education, activities and mainly improvement of the quality of life of the population (HEINRICH, GAESE, 2005) To study the viability of the project of the ambient park of the step is an attempt to contribute for the improvement of the socioambientais conditions of the city of Mafra, that very, necessitadeapoio to make possible the implantation of the project of the park, that has the nobleman objective of preserving and organizing this significant florestada area. The park of the step comes suffering with degradaes, these deriving ones of a bad municipal planning that generates problems as, for example, natural areas that would have to be preserved are taken by irregular land divisions, invasions, and still serving for dump or generating increase of the crime indices. However, when managed well, free spaces are indicating of the quality of life of the population. 2 GENERAL OBJECTIVE To study the viability of the implantation of the existing project ' ' Project ambient park of passo' '. 2.1 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES – To present critical constructive; – To suggest solutions verifying its viability.

3 METHODOLOGY the used methods had been the comment in-lease of the area in study, being portraied it with digital photographs, portraying above all the situation where if it finds the area to be preserved, obtaining itself thus, an idea of the state of preservation of the place, localization of areas to be recouped, inadequate occupation of inhabitants and springs. Study of the project of the project of the ambient park of the step and research of legislation and studies of similar projects. Study of the corresponding legislation to the creation implantation of units of conservation of municipal scope. 4 UNITS OF 4,1 CONSERVAO DESCRIPTION the concern with the ecosystem conservation started in the passed century, but its intention in the start was to conserve resources for public use, this more related with recreation and leisure.

Written by Minna

January 30th, 2014 at 10:36 pm

Posted in News

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