Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture

Director Peter Jackson

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The project, anticipated for the airport of Wellington, liked neither neighbors nor to industralists of Hollywood. Just a few they dndan the project, among them the director Peter Jackson. The airport of the New Zealand city of Wellington announced this week that cancelled its plan to construct the gigantic Wellywood poster, after untying to the wrath of the residents and the industralists of Hollywood, in the United States. " We have listened to the points of view of comunidad" , Fitzgerald, in declarations mentioned by the chain said to the executive director of the airport of Wellington, Steve TV of the New Zealand television. Although the Wellywood name was chosen in a process 15 months ago to promote the fame of the city of Wellington as it soothes of great cinematographic productions like the gentleman of the ring or Transformation, the representatives of the airport are going to consider other alternatives. " For that reason, we have decided to put under different options through a process from selection with comunidad" , he limited Fitzgerald. The initiative to place the signboard ' Wellywood' , endorsed by director Peter Jackson and described by its detractors like " burda" and " ridcula" , he motivated that the Chamber of Commerce of Hollywood threatened a judicial demand by presumed plagiarism. The idea of ' Wellywood' it displeased, according to one recent survey, to 68% of the residents of Wellington, that protested in the streets or expressed their rejection to the initiative in diverse social networks. Source of the news: The rejection knocks down the poster that it imitated to Hollywood in New Zealand

Written by Minna

December 6th, 2013 at 5:26 pm

Posted in News

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