Archive for December, 2016
Rima Lunin
Let the child repeat out loud for you, rather than silently listening. Discuss their actions. Suggestive question leads the child to the correct thoughts, but try to make a final correct answer, he pronounced himself. Ears – only 20% of what a child hears – he remembers. Therefore, some of your explanations will not suffice. Eyes – 30% of what the baby sees – he learns. Draw him visual images to explain the material. Only the figures should not be boring, but funny and original, then the child will be an association, and it is easy to understand the material.
What type of treat your child? But every man some of these channels, in one degree or another predominates. There are three basic types of children in the way of mastering information. Says school psychologist Rima Lunin: Kinestichesky type. People of this type are taught primarily through direct participation and action. The child must be constantly moving, and when speaking he can not do without Gesturing. It will be good to absorb the information if the learning process combined with any activity.
Let the stresses change paints, pencils or arranges counting sticks, as long as its occupation is not distracted by others. Kinestetikam requires quiet surroundings and the possibility of movement. Ask the teacher that she allowed the child take short respite during the lesson (even baby wipe off the board, goes wet rag or help distribute all notebooks). So it is not necessary to train a diligence during homework. If the child violently forced to sit back and listen to the teacher (or mother), he did not remember anything and will lose interest in studying. He sits quietly for as long as can. With age, the child matures, and learn to follow the established norms of behavior. Visual style. Its main channel of perception – vision.
History Development
Alexander von Brenner's work at all: rational reconstruction of history of psychology, as metaphysical problems of methodology PSYCHOLOGY If we consider the most important methodological concepts in the order in which in the twentieth century. gave way to fashion them, we can detect a certain tendency. It consists in the gradual withdrawal of the methodological concepts of orientation solely on the formal logical structures and increasing their rapprochement with the history of science, the logic of the historical development of science in motion from the severity of formal care for the logical constructs of caring about the adequacy of the historical development of science, from the deliberations and decisions problems associated with analysis of the structure of knowledge, procedures, verification and validation of theories to address issues that arise when describing the development of knowledge. Thus came the modern requirement for the methodology of science – ensure the movement of scientific knowledge on the main road of history of science. But how to identify this line? To describe the development of knowledge in theory there is a paradigm and a paradigm shift Kuhn, a rational reconstruction history of science and methodology of scientific research programs I. Lakatos, a theory of their adherents and followers Pechenkin AA, 1996. Understanding these theories, in turn, results in the methodology to change attitudes metaphysics, which seeks to bring knowledge to the limit a single system, and thus allows to simulate historical development of science in general. Metaphysics return of the science and recognize its beneficial influence I.
American Petroleum Institute
While the price of crude oil moved today only slightly, investors wait anxiously on the latest US inventory figures. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) The price of crude oil on the New York and London stock exchanges has stirred a total little today until the afternoon. With slight fluctuations, prices moving sideways. At the time, the barrel cost US light oil (WTI) $75,50, about three dollars were more due to North Sea oil (Brent). This morning, crude oil prices had made a leap over the previous day close values, which is due to the change of the front month from October to November. This changes nothing on the overall move sideways.
New impetus could come today by the U.S. Department of energy DOE, which released its inventory data. Yesterday the American Petroleum Institute had announced once more gains, but investors classify the DOE numbers as relevant. Still, it should be noted that economic and oil demand in the United States are weak, that even occasional change Price breakouts upwards nothing. According to experts, there are financial investors who make sure that the current price level still has stock.
The relatively strong euro makes it possible that local heating oil consumers today came to enjoy significant discounts. According to survey by fuel level and oil Rundschau game of a 3,000 litre supply of heating oil EL, the 100-litre today cost 68,04 euro. These are 51 cents less than yesterday. Comparison: at the date of the previous year, an amount of EUR 54,99 was due for the 100-liter batch. On September 22, 2008, it cost 84.11 euros. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.