Archive for November, 2012
Feminine World Director
14. Discipline To develop to the approach and consistency in the commitment than you want to manage, remembers that only it depends on you. 15. Supply in gymnasium It also takes advantage of that y/econmica special supply so that finally you register in the gymnasium, usually in winter and the first months of the year the gymnasiums publish the best supplies, the new gymnasiums in celebration opening. 16. Gymnasium in house If arriving until the gymnasium becomes difficult to you, or by schedule available, distance or transportation, it considers to take to the gymnasium to your house – according to your possibilities and needs.
This requires of much discipline and it is recommended for people it jeopardize, with force of will to fulfill the routines and established schedules. You do not forget to include videos of training, books and magazines of reference, in addition you can create a folder with articles published related to the subject. 17. The gymnasium is my neighbourhood If you cannot inscribirte in a gymnasium, either you have space in your house to do it, turns your neighbourhood into the gymnasium: it walks, it runs, it raises and low stairs, it practices a sport, nothing, it attends the aerobic ones that some groups (or personnel of the municipal office of Recreation and Sports of your town) do in the park. it can, are no excuses! 18. Specialized consultant’s office It resorts to the consultant’s office of a professional of physical preparation, that has available the gymnasium/that you know or they refer to you, that supervises your routines of exercise. 19. It imitates to others It looks for histories of other people have obtained who it and learns on the obstacles that won and they did how it.
20. Comfortable shoes You do not forget on your feet! , it selects the suitable footwear – considering your feet, atmosphere for ejercitarte and the intensity/frequency of the exercises. On Brenda Liz Gins Feminine World Director and Creator. mundofemeninopr. com (than 2 million pages seen more in the 2008) Escribe articles for the section ' For Nosotras' of Latin Gospel Magazine Conduce the beauty section ' Femenino' world; in radial program nacional' We are Gozando' Wednesdays from 5:15 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. in 104. 1 Redeeming FM, Puerto Rico and in Internet. redentor104fm. com Provee professional services of Public Relations, Communications and Publicity Was conductor of the beauty section ' Femenino' world; in radial program ' At noon with women who confan' with Shirley the Presti in 104. 1 Redeeming FM. has been presenter of programs of TV in Puerto Rico, including Mission: Beauty Was producing and conductor of the radial program ' Femenino' world; in New Life 97. 7 FM More than 13 years of experience as professional model has recorded tens of radio announcements and 21 commercial ones of television has realised 8 announcements of press has participated in 9 programs of television, 1 novel, theater and 2 films
Existing Group
This situation in them caused much concern, you are welcome would advance to advance contents with this group of children without before deciding the conflicts, thus was to search dynamic that they helped in them to mediate to the relations between them. using to advantage the development of an activity proposal where to the children they would have in group to construct to informative posters on the selective collection of the garbage and a lixeira for the campaign of cleanness in the school, also to carry through a dynamics of group with them, after to finish the task we made the exposition of the works in the picture and each group was invited to go until the o picture to observe the posters. As already we waited for the commentaries between them we could perceive that it had a quarrel for the poster prettiest, and after all to observe problematizamos the situation with them, pointing out that all to receive the same material for construction of the posters, that all were pretty, all they had reached the objective, but all were different, and even though inside of the groups the drawings were not equal all, and ask for them which would be the reason, the children had answered that she was because they were different, after to arrive at this conclusion we talk on the existing conflicts between them, and the positive result of this dynamics we can perceive in the classroom and the next ones recreation lessons, the children tried to correct its behaviors relembrando the colloquy of the dynamics. In our group also we had children that they costumavam if to be slow very to copy, and some did not only make the activities they waited for the correction in the picture or copied the reply of the colleagues, then we start to use the incentive in notebooks, we stimulate those that did not follow the group praising its initiatives and progressos for minor that were.