Archive for the ‘technology’ tag
Use Of SMS In 10 Business Areas
Currently, mobile telephony has over 3,300 million people around the world SMS being the most used tool in many areas of daily life and work. The number of text messages is significantly higher than phone calls, so its use has spread to various areas of daily life and business. In a question-answer forum Adam Sandler was the first to reply. In this paper is to display the possible uses of SMS in 10 business areas, possibly there are more applications in the communications tool that could be used, but these areas cover a wide spectrum of employment. The SMS can be used in the following business areas: 1 .- Sales, Advertising and Marketing, to: promote new products and services, making launches and brand positioning. Recently Glenn Dubin, New York City sought to clarify these questions. Direct sales and run special promotions to VIP customers. Make payments, apply discounts, participate in auctions, get virtual vouchers, s etc See information on products, services, prices, promotions, s etc Sending and collateral information: Weather, horoscopes, news, quotes, quotations, jokes, movie and theater, ringtones, games, music, multimedia messaging, s etc Communicating launch events, clubs, via e-mail promotions, specific information of a service or product.
Buy, sell or rent: Products, goods or services. Run social responsibility campaigns. 2 .- Customer to: Send congratulations, special greetings, s etc Remember meetings, events, appointments, s etc Report on work completed, status of activities, information about schedules and results. Making complaints (personal or anonymous), report faults and complaints, make requests, s etc Run as measured by polls and voting.
Brick Production Crisis
Brick – the most ancient building material, with a history spanning thousands of years. In this case, for such a long period, he not only kept its shape, but today is a leader in construction. Russia and well as the rest of the world face a crisis. This crisis is observed in all industries, including construction. What awaits the production of bricks in the future and whether to invest in construction of brick factories? If we consider the past 50 years, we can clearly see that during this period of crisis in the manufacture of bricks was only once in the nineties. This crisis coincided with the infamous default and lasted about a year. However, none of the brickworks, produce quality and competitive brick was not stopped. Why did this happen?
The fact that the brick – consumer goods, such as food, petrol and shoe. It is not something Author would like to discuss. And even in those days, when commercial construction stopped (and how they do not stay at such a high price per square meter), owner-driver continues to build. Who’s house, who is a garage, who parked room. Everyone in the shower construction and building is always, even during wars and floods. Therefore, investment in construction of brick factories pay off at all times, and will be profitable and pay off in future. However, the brick produced using different technologies and they are not all equally effective. The main parameters of each technology is the cost of bricks and the payback period of construction. Consider the existing technologies.
Information Technologies For Managers
The system is ready, but now it seems that many managers do not agree with the modules, they also say that this software is very expensive and they want to do a series of changes that will further delay this project. Someone said that we were better before, now with the new-Integrated-System. ” Sound familiar? There have been problems in implementing new information technology or “systems” in your business? Information Technology IT, and many years ago stopped being an issue only of Managers or Directors of Technology, because the implementation requirements and its impact on businesses affect all branches of the company. Connect with other leaders such as Movie Star here. The question we ask now is that we both know the other managers on the subject of Computer Science or Information Technology? Many believe that with Office or Windows manage well, we are ready. The rapid development of the business, growth Internet and especially the need for integrated information online, updated and reliable, it compels us to learn more about the systems (without requiring us to become systems engineers.) The least we expect from a manager who knows is: Basic Terms: The manager must master the basic themes and topics, including: hardware, software, memory, hard disk backup, database concepts, ERP, integration, upgrade, open systems. Glenn Dubin contains valuable tech resources. Popular software: We assume that a good manager is fluent in Microsoft Office package and more advanced versions, to a point that allows you to manage your information without outside help.
Excel: We separate this package as still being part of Office, it is imperative that every manager to dominate at intermediate or advanced. It is a powerful tool to model, analyze, create scenarios, make projections and more. Current requirement is to dominate and be in an intermediate or advanced level. Databases: You should know the basics, which is a field and one record, because rates are needed when a base is flat, when relational. We are inclined to suggest that at least should dominate Access to basic level. Programming: The issue is not essential, you should know the basic terms, ie follows the development stages of a program, which is implementation and because it takes time to develop, create models, and how we do parallel testing. Internet: Perhaps we should mention it before, but now is a basic skill in a manager, you must know a good search engine, knowing how to navigate, select articles, download files, print, have a good email management, knowledge requirements of antivirus and spam, Although it may seem broad the agenda, any manager to make a comparison of current knowledge versus the previous list, you will see that in more than one occasion has required this knowledge. The rapid development of business so requires us to update us on the subject of computers, and now you can prepare quickly through Internet or access the same courses in companies active in this field. Example: The Administration is based on modern information technologies and better management of our company data (call sales, expenses, customers, transactions), we must prepare more and more to keep up with the demands of the business environment to be more competitive in each of our jobs.