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Archive for the ‘Repair and Parts’ tag

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To date, one of the most famous in the market segment of specialized equipment, without doubt, is a selection of Products at KAMAZ. Reliability and performance, these machines are endowed with substantial fame almost without exception in all spheres of production. And yet, in order to keep any motor-vehicles in excellent condition, it is necessary to get continuous access to the neat parts. And it is at the moment already a reality. Without exception, all parts KAMAZ Voronezh podyschete you in this directory and you will be able to choose the most suitable kind of you payment and shipping your order. At the same time those parts which are currently on a certain good reasons not to directories, you can quickly plan and deliver, if the buyer is required. If urgently needed or that spare parts, there is a chance to look at these requests as KAMAZ buying power.

And yet, there is the opportunity to immediately apply to the shopping complex, where it is possible to find absolutely everything you need for good quality and functionality of a long car KAMAZ. What specifically would not need, all sorts of details that will be the cummins, gearbox or axle middle ear, it is possible to order in our directory. Real-estate developer understood the implications. Here you will find in any version of an extremely high mouths KAMAZ bus, and in addition to wheels, bushings, shock absorbers, seat and so on. All spare parts KAMAZ – exclusively with quality assurance. And by the way specifically to ensure quality – this condition is long lasting and smooth operation all elements of every system. Timely maintenance warranty, use only original and quality spare parts guarantee without any car damage feature technology.

In addition, high-quality accessories allow you to actually do more service vehicles in general and the quality of this feature in particular. Implementation in large quantities, and the ability to order specific spare parts are also very tempting for customers because it offers the possibility to reduce the price not at the expense of merit procured parts, and due to their numbers. Purchase using the online catalog is much reduces the time needed to spend to resolve problems connected with the change of details. Actress may find it difficult to be quoted properly. At the same time it addresses the issues with the least cost. And the economic profitability – the most important in anything work. Every head of the organization tends to company operated profitably. High-quality special permits do not only more effective but its Q generates income by reducing expenditure on maintenance.

Written by Minna

February 10th, 2025 at 12:11 pm

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Material Handling Equipment

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Predecessors trucks appeared very long ago, in the late 19th – early 20th century. In 1906 the Pennsylvania Railroad has presented an electric platform for moving luggage, and was used at railway stations. Modern loader came about in the 20s of last century by a number of European and American companies that were independent of development. Tangible impetus razvitiyaetoy industry has become first world war, labor shortages led to the fact that several European companies have begun to develop independent technology for loading and unloading operations. The forerunner of industrial forklifts a car Clark Equipment Company with which to transport the sand ..

The Second World powerfully accelerated the development of the production trucks, and primarily concerns the United States. U.S. firms supplied the U.S. army trucks after completion of the 2nd World War they continued to work in Europe and with the help of their rebuilding destroyed cities. These trucks have become legendary for its reliability and AC power.

After the war, there was growth Europe, and there was a particularly podm German economy is affected companies such as Jungheinrich, STILL GmbH, Linde, Steinbock less significant role in the development of trucks played Eastern producers. Among them were such manufacturers as VTA Kraft (GDR), Desta (Czechoslovakia), “Lions” (USSR) and ‘Balkancar’ (Bulgaria). In our country, loaders Balkancar appeared in the 50s. (Bulgaria), but soon appeared on the market Japanese loaders world-renowned companies la Japan. Shirokoispolzovalis loaders such corporations as Nissan, Komatsu, Hyster, Toyota., SCI, currently the world’s trucks has been a tendency of integration and merger of manufacturers .. Top ten global manufacturers of forklift trucks is not One year led by such corporations as Toyota, Kion Group (brands Linde, STILL GmbH), Nacco Industries (brands Yale, Hyster,), Jungheinrich, Crown, Mitsubishi / Caterpillar, Komatsu, Nissan, Kalmar, TCM. In today’s time, forklifts noticeably improved. Many companies pay producers of forklifts attention not only to function handlers, but also on the look!

Written by Minna

October 28th, 2018 at 11:50 pm

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Principles Of Building Systems Ignition Condenser

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In a system with a pulsed energy storage processes of charging and discharging the storage capacitor are separated by pauses, and in systems with continuous accumulation of such breaks do not. System with pulse accumulation allow simple means to stabilize the voltage of the charge storage capacitor, ie, make it independent of changes in voltage and other destabilizing factors. However, when starting a small shaft speed engine in these systems by increasing the pause time the storage capacitor at the time of sparking some time to run down and sparking voltage decreases. This imposes strict requirements on the values of leakage currents in the elements of the secondary circuit – thyristor, storage capacitor, a rectifier diode – is the lack of systems with pulse accumulation. System with a continuous accumulation of energy free from this defect.

These systems are practically insensitive to leaks in the secondary circuit elements and ensure the independence of sparking voltage of the frequency of the motor shaft. Converts the battery voltage 12 to 350 V in a high storage capacitor accumulates energy sparking. The switch connects the storage capacitor to the output of a converter, then to the primary ignition coil. The control circuit controls the switch. The appointment of the remaining elements is the same as in the classical ignition system.

The ignition system operates as follows: way. During the rotation of the shaft motion gatelya contact breaker opens and Pr alternately closed. With the closure of contact signal from the control circuit sets the switch S2 to position 1. The converter has high voltage 350 V, to which the charge storage capacitor. At the moment of contact opening the breaker control circuit generates a signal which switches the switch. Charged to high voltage 350 V storage capacitor is connected to the primary ignition coil circuit wl. In the loop formed by capacitor C1-torus and the primary ignition coil, there are damped sinusoidal oscillations, the amplitude first half-wave voltage which is close to the voltage of the charge storage capacitor. At the same time in the secondary winding w2 ignition coil induced voltage, which reaches 20 – 30 kV.

Written by Minna

January 21st, 2012 at 5:41 pm

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Quality Car Repair

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Obviously, for auto repairs needed professional hands of experienced mechanics and modern diagnostic equipment. But some forget that the really high-quality repair of machinery impossible without the original parts. That spare parts for cars, not "almost the same," are the secret of a long and reliable service the iron horse! It should be understood that the savings on quality parts can destroy not only the car, bringing it into disrepair before the time, but also a much more important things. Spare parts for cars differ a number of advantages over similar products, let's examine them: First, they designed and manufactured using advanced technologies, are a lot of trials and are several times longer unique because have a huge margin of safety. Second, buying an original spare part with plant, you can be sure that it is ideal for your car and will fully comply with the requested specifications.

The fact that the original auto parts have special markings to a unique number that allows you to determine exactly what model of a model year made this piece. Third, the manufactured parts in the factory warranty of the manufacturer. Of course, more expensive than original parts. But on their purchase can save you. Savings is the very fact that the original auto parts last longer and do not harm the car. In addition, spare parts for cars (Particularly of rare American cars) should be reserved for companies whose main profile – delivery of spare parts from the United States. Firm specializing in the delivery of spare parts from abroad, as a rule, provide can order the entire range of spare parts for all models, and to be quite low compared with car dealers prices. Particularly relevant services such firms, if needed spare parts for cars such as Dodge, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Chrysler, Lincoln and other rare vehicles. Today you can buy spare parts for all American and Japanese cars in St. Petersburg over the Internet. Save your energy, time and money, not saving it on quality!

Written by Minna

December 25th, 2011 at 9:48 am

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When the term of service of the car to the service station dealer is coming to an end, the car owner to independently monitor tehsostoyaniem his "iron horse". Should be changed regularly and the engine transmission oil; air, oil, fuel, cabin filters, do not forget (especially in anticipation of the upcoming cold weather) on the so-called technical fluids – antifreeze, brake, washer for windows and headlights. That's about antifreeze and will speech. There are four main types of antifreeze: Salt. It is well known, why not freeze the sea because salt in it. The basis of the salt antifiriza are organic acids. If the water contains about 23% of salt, then This solution will not freeze if the temperature is – 21 C if the water 30% SCl2, it will not freeze at – 55 C, but if it 20% MgCl2, then – 33 C.

It seems – is the ideal tool for motorists. But there is corrosion – the radiator needs to be done for the gold Safe neighborhood with salt. When boiling a liquid salt remains on the walls. Glycol. An important property of this type of antifreeze is the ability to reduce the degree of freezing water compositions. For different ratios of water – Ethylene glycol is obtained from the fluid freezing point from 1 to 65 degrees below zero.

Such solutions do not expand upon freezing, they form a pasty mass. Alcohol. Any alcohol freezes only at low temperature, but not alcohol can lower the temperature of water solutions. Diluted alcohol has a higher temperature than 100% – d. Alcohols – flammable liquids. And put them in the cooling system the car is extremely dangerous. Glycerin. Composition with a low threshold of freezing can be derived by using glycerin – that is triatomic alcohol. Ratio of glycerol and water 35:65 will result in more than minus 40. Glycerin has a high viscosity fluid in minus, and consumption will more than glycol. Of antifreeze car owner often thinks before the winter months. The following information will not be superfluous: Choosing antifreeze should take into account the recommendations Automakers (type of fluid must meet the motor); Special attention should be paid to the quality control of anti-freeze (the sticker with a long list of different tolerances should alert – this is often err forgery); It is undesirable to mix different classes of antifreeze (chemical composition of additives used by manufacturers may be different); For the topping is suitable distilled water or basic antifreeze (coolant it is always better to buy a stock); After topping the freezing point of distilled water coolant can change (the temperature is checked with special instruments and a hydrometer); Delayed replacement of antifreeze threatens damage to the cylinder head and other parts of the engine (high temperatures catalyze chemical reactions that reduce the effectiveness of additives); Domestic antifreeze should be changed at least 2 years, imported anti-freeze, for the type of engine will last longer than conventional 2 years;

Written by Minna

December 18th, 2011 at 1:33 am

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