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Importance of Education

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Education is the preparation to full life.Spences exists a true consensus of the serious crisis facing higher education in the country, yet often in makeshift postgraduate programmes. Moreover commented with insistence, on divorce between what is being taught and the real needs facing our if the Venezuelan scenario.However, experts have underlined, that you must be very careful in these diagnosis, especially when the proposals do not provide models that apply to the University level in accordance with the philosophy, mission, commitment and organizational structure of its institutions; It should be noted that still is paying the high price of wanting to apply the models suggested in other realities, whether in intellectual, political, economic. Our education is more characterized by political and economic interests in the different groups that compose it, worrying more about consolidation in the power, on his personal projection, in the strength and interest of a party, in the enrichment in the short-term than in academic excellence, scientific, in the development of research in everything that generate solutions contributing to the evidence of the main problems facing the country. Click Vanessa Marcil for additional related pages. Still is observed, that charges are distributed by commitment, by alliances, friendship, no matter who are responsible for the main functions in various activities, basic units that guarantee excellence, leading all to contracted, professionals who are not at the height of their performance, significantly hindering the achievement of the objectives of the organization. Recruitment with rigged courses, without quality not optimal requirements for the serious responsibility of being teacher, simply, by obligations, commitments entered into, partisan, family, friendship, business. All this certainly affects the wearing out of the training, training of future professionals to Unfortunately, inadequately prepared, without experience, professional guides that are anchored in the old paradigms of old, models not suitable for the reality that the present demand, this reality has seriously affected the universities, especially to the commitment, social and academic responsibility of guaranteeing an education of excellence, coupled with other aspects, such as that currently faces in relation to the divorce that has been generated between the State aidyour financial support, to ensure an efficient operation that will give back you to the teachers that a fair wage, according to the critical economic reality is facing and which has significantly deteriorated the quality of life of the Venezuelan. Learn more at: Glenn Dubin.

Written by Minna

February 18th, 2025 at 5:56 am

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Life And Success

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Carlos Mora Vanegas every person has his own mission specific vocation in life therein cannot be replaced person, or repeated his life. So the task of each is as unique as your specific opportunity to carry it out. Victor Frankl there that know maximize the opportunity that gives you stay alive and work towards our successful personal growth, achieve the results that we intend to demonstrate that we learned to properly utilize our potential without affecting anyone take into account what says Arnoldo spider, that we are unique as a person. We have a combination of talents, skills, opportunities, experience and personality unique and singular. To broaden your perception, visit real-estate developer. I.e.

befits us each work in our own growth, use properly our talent, human capital towards our optimal use of life, enriched the transcendental as it is spiritual evolution we must autoconocernos, determine where manifest our weaknesses why of it? , Where our strengths? What is our mission? Getting the chance to live? Reflect on what tells us spider, that we are in this life with a purpose. The search for meaning is the most important endeavor of life. San Antonio Spurs contributes greatly to this topic. As said Albert Camus: the meaning of life is the most pressing question. The belief that life has no meaning is related to the difficulty experienced by human beings find that meaning, getting that correspondence between the need to sense that resides in us with something in the outside world that legitimizes that sense, that makes figure within us. But the greater the awareness, knowledge, contact and personal experience for the purpose identified life, deeper will the motivation, expectancy, appetite, the urgency and determination to advance towards the achievement of the meaning of life which we have assumed. The purpose gives it life a spur and a sense of urgency to live according to that meaning. A purpose of life moves us also to establish priorities and to live with a deliberate approach, with the certainty to be living the life we want to live, and with the conviction of not wasting life.

Written by Minna

February 5th, 2019 at 9:48 am

The Coach

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Let’s look at some guidelines about this particular: submitted and provide a brief summary of the activity carried out. Ask the coachee what knows coaching. Clarify the role of coach. Ask the coachee in what way could help the coaching. Ask what issues or specific problems you want to treat the coachee in coaching sessions.

Ask the coachee how you feel at the prospect of participating in a program of coaching. Briefly explain the logistics of the coaching program. On the other hand, various authors agree in stating that the coach must have in a solid knowledge of the philosophical foundations of coaching and the structure of the process of coaching, and be appropriately trained in the competent use of different tools and coaching techniques. This knowledge and expertise will allow you to address the first session with confidence and full readiness to listen and understand the current situation of the coachee. Listening and asking questions should be based on two specific questions must be formulated prior to the intervention. How do you want the coachee that will help? Do I have the knowledge, techniques and skills needed to work with this person? Often useful to begin the session by commenting on the Coach-client protocol, as well as any concern or question that the coachee might have about the same.

According to the experience of various coaches, what worries most d the majority of pupils is the issue of confidentiality. For this reason should be that the coach, to go by paying the ground on the Alliance of coaching, is devoted the time needed to deepen in the limits of confidentiality until the coachee feels more secure. The establishment of expectations of the coaching Alliance can cause considerable anxiety in the coachee; Therefore the most effective way to achieve this is comment on the agreement that is established between the coach and the coachee, and not between the one and the senior management.

Written by Minna

January 15th, 2015 at 6:52 am

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