Obliged Gentleman
vovs, the stepmothers – mothers, dindas …… for the teachers – mothers …… for the mother who packs to the col the son who is not its …… for the dear homesickness of the mother who are far …… for the latent love in all the women, quedesperta feeling to unclasp in itself a new life …… Further details can be found at Jorge Perez, an internet resource. for love, wonderful love that joins mothers and children I I am thankful it, Sir! for my loved mother Vera Maria Da Silva who gave the life to me and that in the constant presence me ensinouna pureness of its heart the vislumbrarcaminhos of the first steps, of primeiraspalavras of the love without dimension, each moment, the acts of each chapter of my vidano assayed, but lived in cadaemoo very obliged gentleman for my mother of dinda/Mnica soul Teixeira for having been to my side in the hours> pentelha and rebel who much amae always promises to take care of of vocs.Debtor for everything. Vocs is everything for me, mother and dinda I love very vocs dear. Obliged gentleman for all the mothers of the world ….. and congratulations to all vocs women warlike mothers, instructed angels of god to take care of of us. One fraterno I hug to all the women mothers.>