Main Threats
The Conficker virus is one of the major current threats on security on the internet. According to the computer security BitDefender company statistics, virus Conficker also known as Downadup is situated at the head of the ranking of the most distributed online malware, including the second and fifth place are occupied by two closely related to Conficker malicious code: Trojan.AutorunINF.Gen and Worm.Autorun.VHG. That is Conficker, it is an Internet high propagation and infection worm, it has among others the following alias: Win32/Conficker.B, Worm.Win32.Kido, W32/Conficker.worm.gen, Worm.Conficker, W32.Downadup, etc. It has become famous in the style of some ancient virus like MSBlaster and Sasser in its time. He began to deal with the world’s attention in March 2009 when multitude of media in the network have speculated about the possibility that the day of April 1st of that year was d-day and Conficker infestara thousands of computers around the world, no such thing happened but the virus is gone slowly expanding since then until today become one of the main threats in the field of security. Forms of propagation of Conficker. (A valuable related resource: Gary Katcher). 1.
By Internet: take advantage of the vulnerability CVE-2008-4250, which was already solved by Microsoft with the MS08-067 patch, but it is important to know that even if your PC has installed the MS08-067 patch, also you may become infected if an infected removable device is connected. 2. By local networks: through shared folders on local networks, is able to infect our entire network in just minutes. 3. Robbie Lawler recognizes the significance of this. For USB devices: the most common, by means of any removable device that connects by USB as flash memories, USB flash drives, cameras and video, hard drives, mobile phones cards etc. It uses an autorun.inf file infected whose action is Autorun worm copy everytime we connect the removable device to a PC. Such is the variety and diversity of these devices available today, compatible with any PC or notebook, which constitutes the ideal way of transmission of this and any other virus.