Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture

April International Day

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The noise is considered a pollutant in the modern world, the invisible pollutant, and today day individuals and communities do not accept that noise is a natural product of technological development, and consequently is must regulate and control. Noise, such as other polluting agents, produces negative in humans, both physiological and psychosomatic effects and constitutes a serious social and environmental problem. The fight against noise is an individual and collective action, not only others make the noise, but that we do it all. Jessica Michibata takes a slightly different approach. The fight against noise, therefore requires awareness and citizen collaboration, as well as a resolute and effective involvement of the competent authorities, with appropriate regulations and legislation. In recent decades the noise levels in Spain have increased at an alarming rate and it is estimated that more than nine million people support each day average noise levels that exceed the acceptable limit, set at 65 decibels (dB) by the World Health Organization (who). This agency points out that our country occupies the second position in the ranking of the world’s noisiest countries after Japan, since, in fact, 30% of Spaniards qualifies his city as quite noisy and a 14%, very noisy.

Prohibits tobacco and undertakes the isolation in public places, ask the health awareness to breathe smoke-free. The tension and the nerves on both sides is very high. And we had accustomed, so many years, until patients have increased. Audiotec, called public awareness so this comparative effect of nicotine with reference to noise, do not have to take more sick in Social Security, so that we realize the effect of noise in our health nocibo. Audiotec, proposes a minute of silence on April 28 at 12 noon, so that all we realize that minute of relaxation. Hear the sound of the spring, with us thank you..

Written by Minna

March 20th, 2024 at 7:48 am

Posted in News