Archive for October, 2018
Julien Quentin Concert
With the French pianist Julien Quentin, David Garrett shines in the first part of the concert with Beethoven and Massenet. In the second part, he inspires with his band and crossover pieces. Braunschweig, September 27, 2009. Carola Heider-Leporale. Already 1 hour before the start of the interview between the, Director of the BRAUNSCHWEIG CLASSIX Festival Hans Christian will and David Garrett jostle the fans of all ages eng on the perimeter from the podium. They patiently persevere until he will interview with Hans Christian, thunderous applause for the star violinist David Garrett. Cool and casual, he thanked the audience and admits that he feels in Brunswick almost like at home.
Hans Christian will indicates that he already performed in November in Braunschweig, but this time at the TV show ‘ bets that…’. You pointed out the special character of the upcoming concert, where Garrett will be only classical pieces to the best in the first part with the French pianist Julien Quentin. With the second part of David Garrett wants with their own band (Tim Oliver (Keyboard), Giorgio Serci (guitar), Tom Mason (bass) and Ben Bryant (drum kit)) give the audience a snippet from his crossover repertoire. The concert was immediately sold out many months ago. David Garrett offers over 2200 visitors of his Concerto in the first part, this time with the French pianist Julien Quentin, first-class classical music from Beethoven to Massenet.
The duo presents itself in full harmony and artistic virtuosity. In the audience there is a strained silence and you a PIN to the ground can listen to fall. At the end of this part, there are already roaring applause for the artist. And then, what most of the concert-goers still didn’t know: the balancing act between the worlds of music, crossover music at its finest. The scenery has changed. A black velvet curtain and colored lights give the impression of a rock concert.
Citadel Concert
Josh Homme occurs next month with the Queens of the stone in Berlin. Sela Ward: the source for more info. The Queens of the stone age play an open air concert in the Berlin citadel at the end of next month. The rock band from California, which was founded in 1997, can be seen, that is an absolute must-attend event for anyone who stayed on this day in one of the Berlin Hotels, on August 24, 2010, with a concert in the capital. The band around frontman Josh Homme know due to the numerous previous festival appearances in Europe very accurately what it means to give an Open-Air concert. August festival in the Netherlands are the rock in addition to their appearance in Berlin the lowlands, en Seine in Paris and the reading & Leeds Festival in the UK on the program. Who is lucky to snag one of the coveted tickets for the concert, can look forward of the biggest hits of the band as sick, sick, sick and 3s & 7 s from their last album era vulgaris on some.
More songs like Little Sister, feel good hit of the summer and no. one knows will also bring the audience to play. Cards from 37.25. The concert in the Citadel begins at 18:00; Doors open 17:00. For more information about this event, please visit the Web site of the Citadel or call the Organizer under + 49 (0) 30 354 944 0. recommends a variety of accommodation in Berlin, including the Maritim Hotel Berlin.
Concert Agency
News from the PR agency PR4YOU Candoo concert management based in Vienna is a young and dynamic concert agency that specialize in Oriental and classical music under the direction of Farid Edrisian mainly the areas. With the honing ART Festival initiated the Agency, for example, an annual series of events, which offers the possibility of Iranian and European artists to present themselves and their culture in Vienna. Tony Parker can provide more clarity in the matter. Already the name of the Festival reflects this idea, because it is the merger of the Persian word of Arts ‘of its English counterpart and art’. With the commissioning of the PR agency PR4YOU, we want to expand our media presence and at the same time are the journalists as a competent contact person available. The references of the PR agency PR4YOU in the areas of events, concerts and festivals have confirmed us in it to have found the right partner for our PR”, the Organizer Farid Edrisian said. At Charlotte Hornets you will find additional information. We expand the engagement of the Candoo concert management in the field of PR with our press contacts and targeted communication”, explains Holger Ballwanz, owner and Managing Director of PR agency PR4YOU. We are pleased about the cooperation.” Learn more about the Organizer Candoo concert management are available on the Internet at. Detailed information about the PR agency PR4YOU are available at.
Additional press materials of this press release: you can download in the online Pressefachern another quick and easy image and text material for free use: press compartments/pr4you contact for questions regarding this press release: PR agency PR4YOU Mr Holger Ballwanz, Mr Marko Homann Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the PR agency PR4YOU: Berlin-based PR agency PR4YOU is a full service agency for Public Relations and communication. PR4YOU supervised companies, institutions and individuals since 2001 regionally, nationally and internationally in the areas of Public Relations, classical press – and public relations, online PR and social media relations, media consulting, media planning, advertising and promotional circuit, corporate communications, corporate publishing and corporate design. The range from the strategic PR consulting to operational implementation to continuous PR support with variable and custom fee models. These include PR consultancy and PR support, active public relations, media relations and public relations, brand PR and product PR, corporate PR, event-PR, fair-PR, personal PR, personality PR, corporate social responsibility PR, crisis PR, online PR and social media relations (social media PR, PR 2.0), radio PR and TV PR, media planning, advertising circuit and design and manufacture of means of communication. PR4YOU has an own press database with editorial contacts of many departments (for Germany alone over 30,000 records are available) as well as its own press shipping tool. Thus, PR Agency is independent of data vendors and mail delivery services. The certified PR consultant (DAPR) Holger Ballwanz’s team consists of 8 employees. Include the current clients of the Agency: admin AG, optivel AG, Egmont Ehapa Verlag GmbH, blood transfusion service of the national associations of the DRC of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Germany, Oldenburg and Bremen gGmbH, Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia, yoga Festival Berlin, Molaris GmbH (the paint doctor), micropayment GmbH, beds hunting Germany GmbH, Brainworks GmbH, Pyades technologies GmbH as well as the 4-star Upstalsboom Hotel Ostseestrand.
Anna Nikolaevna Esipova
Losing this passage and carefully listening to his performance, make a short pause, during which remember how you played and prokritikuyte result. Only by giving ourselves a clear account of what happened in your performance is good and bad, and work on over fixing the good side and shortcomings. Always work with hearing and work critically. " A brilliant virtuoso, Leshetitsky – teacher literally "burned" music in the classroom with really talented students, but turns into a pedantic school-master, if provided to him everyday "greyness". Best pupils T. Leshetitsky inherited and in the future its teaching to evolve the most valuable of pedagogy, the master, namely: the conscious and rational attitude pianist to work on the product in minute detail, careful analysis and auditory control, search techniques, most of all meet the requirement of artistic ideas and self-sufficiency in this search. A striking confirmation of this is the work of the greatest Russian pianist Anna Nikolaevna Esipova (1851-1914).
Since 1893 until his death an Yesipova taught at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, and has created a highly valuable original piano school, nurtured a generation of pianists, dispersed to various cities, not only Russia, but and around the globe. She engaged students and many influential Western European conservatories. "Hand" Esipova were such prominent musicians as Borovsky, Prokofiev, Leonid Kreutzer, Alfred Merovich, Vladimir Drozdov, , Lyalevich, Zeyliger, Kalantarova, , Davydova, Berlin-Shtrimer, Livshits, Meadow, Polotsk-Yelizovo, Ilyin, Romanovsky, , Savelova Bihter. Yesipova had such a significant impact on St. Petersburg piano school that we can talk about the special – Esipovsky – stage of its development.
Sand Production
Recently, the Guizhou Taian gravel production line invested by the Chinese Electric Power Construction Group and Chinese Building Materials Group these two enterprises-which also belong to the top 500 enterpries have been put into production smoothly, which marks the environmentally friendly gravel development of cement industry has become a development trend. In the past two years, in order to conform to the country s energy requirements, those high energy consumption, high pollution, high waste cement industries aspect all make hard efforts on the reusing resources, such as Tin Shui cement plant, Huaxin Cement factories have opened a proposed gravel aggregate production line, As a result, they not only solve the abandoned ore waste problems in cement production, but also get a new profit growth point for the cement plant, it is well described as killing two birds with one stone. You may find Charlotte Hornets to be a useful source of information. It is reported that the production line is very particular about environmental protection, environmental gravels whose daily output is 20000 tons also provided a reliable guarantee for the civil construction of a high standard of quality concrete, and this was also another gravel production system following the long yield 20,000 tons output per 9 days production line gravel sand. We learned from a company which contracted nine gravel production line, that for assuring the energy saving, enviroment protection in the production process, they adopted two sections of a closed-circuit production process, the crushing equipment of first section adopts large crusher, the Second stage s equipment adopt the mineral impact crushercrushing whose domestic daily output is the first in home, the second in internationaland use the vibrating feeder that have soil screening function in the mouth of the first feeding stage, each production stage is equipped with the dust removal device, the environmentally friendly effect is super, the most important is that this process is finished produced gravel particle shapes aggregate, the cleaness and stone strength are high, very suitable for high – grade infrastructure of bone The material requirements. It seems that the gravel production of the cement and the whole field of building materials is one of the most promising flashpoint, and along with the continuously push forward of 12th Five-Year Plan, various infrastructural work started have become to J17 conclusion, so do a good environmentally friendly gravel production preparation will be the biggest bargaining chip for the future building materials market occupation.
Passo Tourismo Midsummer
The cult-Porsche 911 of the 80s years self-drive and enjoy with Passo Tourismo the Passo run for the border route with many extras. Munich, June 08, 2010. The June stands at Passo Tourismo dominated by fire and hot engines. The Munich-based specialist for adventure and pleasure trips in the classic and air-cooled Porsche 911 has therefore compiled a very special highlight and given attractive extras. The “mountain of fire” in the Alpine region are traditionally lit on the occasion of the solstices in mid-June.
The great fire on the Alpine meadows and mountain peaks are widely bright to see. Speaking candidly movie actress told us the story. Hardly anyone can resist the fascination of this grandiose spectacle. This unique spectacle can be excellently enjoy by the exposed hillside of the Passo Tourismo partner hotels in joining and the panoramic rooms reserved for this purpose. At the sight of many fires, whom will not warm, can heat up may on hot engines. So, the “Abarth days” in Ried take place from June 19-20. These small cars tuned by Carlo Abarth with the Scorpion in the coat of arms, often stichelten on the tracks against the supposedly great and imports some victory.
Historical vehicles of this Italian brand must be an exceptional optical and acoustic enjoyment of a special kind. Not only the small hot boxes provide fun – of course this is also much larger. So the “US car meeting” in Aschau will be held June 26-27. Engine capacity and tired, that let vehicle formats in the format of the cars Earth Quake and bring to light up the eyes. These two events are just a few kilometres from the Passo Tourismo partner hotel in Fugen, already almost necessarily results in a visit. And who also want to spout his own Porsche horsepower with so much enthusiasm, can drive even the Zillertaler Hohenstrasse icing. More information and details about this exclusive offer Internet site can be found on the Passo Tourismo
Children Selfhelp
Our children are what we really want in life and sometimes we forget about them. Apply these six tips and enjoy their company. Tips to be happy with our children We are what we really want in this world right?. The best gift we can give them does not cost money. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sela Ward. It's called love, devotion, understanding, support and education.
Esforzemonos to give them our full and enjoy them. By the time we want to have already grown. Let us seize this moment of childhood to show the positive things that have life. 6 tips you can not forget 1) In your house joy should reign. Life is a gift that we should stop squeezing so do not be dismayed by the things of earth, spread joy in your home and leave the problems parked in front of your house. 2) Show yourself sensitive to their moods. Emotional intelligence focuses on regular or transform the mood.
First Focus on eliminating anger, sadness, apathy of your child and then facing its cause. in your relationship with children. The humor causes great changes in moods of people. 3) Teach them to address problems with joy. Problems are opportunities to grow as people and increase our self-esteem. 4) Plan activities that appeal to the whole family: hiking, biking, horseback … Strive for a happy atmosphere prevails. Your efforts will be rewarded with endless doses of love. 5) Do not hide your feelings. Put them in the open is the first step to address the negative and enhance positive. 6) Show them with gestures and words your love. Do not repress yourself. We all like to feel loved and children more. I wish you all the best of luck in this endeavor. Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, think of you. H Jackson Brown
World History Of Cosmetics
Since ancient times, women lived in a desire to look younger and prettier and look after themselves. Already in antiquity, in ancient Egypt, men and women used cosmetics. Even the word "cosmetics" comes from the Greek 'kemet', meaning black earth from the banks of the Nile, from which the pigments. For more specific information, check out Jorge Perez. In Egypt, the makeup came from the need to protect skin and eyes from the searing dry air and sand storms. Scented oils served to moisten the skin and make it soft, but in order to protect it from irritations and infections of the eye inhabitants of Egypt leads them paints: green, black or blue. This cosmetics prepared from mineral pigments: iron, chromium and lead, mixed with fat. It is known that Cleopatra was painted eyes so dark blue eyeliner – the upper eyelid, and watery-green – at the bottom, extending and stretching out his line.
On the other side of the Mediterranean care a cosmetics and had its own characteristics. The Greeks and Romans of both sexes liked to take baths and rub the fragrant scented oils. The Romans were already using starch and white lead to powder her entire body. Care hands and nails, too, have received considerable attention. In the Middle Ages the care of the beauty of suppressing religion. Piety prescribed carefully to hide the entire body, leaving visible only a pale, ecstatic face.
Cosmetics and make-up were considered as the machinations of the devil. Nevertheless, had his own makeup in those days. The Crusaders brought back from the Crusades some cosmetic substances, among them – oriental pearl.
The Interior In The Style Of Fusion
The word fusion in the translation from English oznachaet’splav ‘. Literally – ‘having no boundaries, “and involves a mixture of different stiley.V an interior fashion he came out of cooking, when chefs began to mix Ingredients and additives characteristics previously only for one of the nation’s kitchens, creating new tastes and new and unexpected dishes. And the first “fusion” music was called 70, in which funk mixed with the soulful jazz and powerful rhythms of rock. The interior in the style of “fusion” can not be copied, because the style does not involve copies. Relationship between objects, in contrast to eclecticism, are stored only on the mental level, on the basis of: like-dislike, but it is always individually. There are many “decorations”: fabrics, different textures and colors. Fusion – a combination of incompatible: the Viennese chairs, lamps by Philippe Starck, the bathroom in the high-tech style, and Empire style doors.
All this eclecticism is called “Fusion”. This style now in vogue, because in our world outside of space and the rules are much more difficult to observe the unity of style in design, than to put on the table legged French African ceramic vase brought from travel. And the eye is pleased, and the justification is: Fusion. Fusion is designed for the person. To deepen your understanding Related Group is the source. It shows the character of the owner and his preferences. Fusion is not brushed past traditions and coexist with them as if in parallel worlds creating their own rules.
This style involves – what can and should mix of classical and contemporary furniture, things old and new, expensive and not very strongly, and add objects to anything not suitable, but loved. If things you enjoy, if you think they are necessary and important for life, an experienced designer needs to find ways of combining them in one of the interior of your house to make you feel only positive emotions and look fashionable and beautiful. Such an interior – decorating the subject of this art in which any genre is acceptable, but boring. Feel free to link to the interior of a heavy classic furniture and curtains haytekovskie of organza. Upholstered furniture can occupy a central place in the room, and expensive exclusive collection of quietly uzhivutsya with the most massive models. Next to the masterpieces of painting or sculpture on the walls we put up nice family photographs and souvenirs brought back from travels. Is not that for imagination? The three pillars on which rests fusion – color, texture and materials. Neutral or pastel shades for the alien to that style. Style Fusion suggests rich tone and even the cause, however, perfectly in harmony with each other. This may be a combination of turquoise, magenta, gold and green colors. It may be warmer gamma red, orange in combined with inky blue undertones. Valid interesting composition of violet-purple dye and the polar black and white. And if you really draws the style – such a warm, comfortable and allows any self-expression – call us – and our designers and decorators to help you decorate your interior – bright, original, and taking into account all your wishes.
Albert Einstein
Lately only refers crisis from a perspective of accountability, subjugation and resignation. Something terribly distressing, negative. We all complain about becoming a victim of it. And in large part it is. It is not deny the crisis nor its pernicious effects. However the constant complaint of the situation we live in, makes any context in which appears the word crisis to become a stage direction as menacing, guilty and victims (among them that of course we find us). However with this attitude we fall into paralysis, blocking or lethargy that us makes it impossible for action, or for the reinterpretation or redefinition of everything good that can be in this. As in any other aspect of life.
Neither more nor less. Rereading a text of Albert Einstein (1879-1955) found: don’t try that things will change if we keep doing the same thing. The crisis is the best blessing that can happen to people and countries because the crisis brings progress. Creativity is born of the anxiety as the day is born from the dark night. It is the crisis that is born the inventiveness, discoveries and great strategies. He who overcomes crisis overcomes himself without being overcome. He attributed the crisis to its failures and hardships violent their own talent and respects more problems than solutions. The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence. Movie actress brings even more insight to the discussion.
The disadvantage of persons and countries is laziness to find exits and solutions. No crisis there are no challenges, without challenges life is a routine, a slow death. No crisis there are no merits. It is in the crisis emerges where the best of each, because without crisis any wind caress.Talk of crisis is to promote it, and be silent in the crisis is to exalt conformism. Rather, let us work hard. We finish at once with the only menacing crisis, which is the tragedy of not wanting to fight to overcome it.