Archive for April, 2014
Write Something Today
Music, of certain point of visa, a very escencial thing nowadays. Pra everything in the life, any thing that if makes, speaks, reads, hears, whatsoever, turns music. It tries, you, to imagine a world without music.a world without melody.without compass it imagined? there, what you found? Huuuumm.sufficiently monotonous, not? music, of where appears? Composers, obviously, n! You, already tried to write a music? Not? Never? Why not to seat and to write in verses what you feel at this moment? He goes that from there he has left one music that in days can blow up in entire Brazil. Haaaa, but you must you are thinking: ' ' Poxa, I do not have dom to write a music, to compose and etc.' ' who said that he is nescessario only with dom that you can write a music? All we are capable to make possible and the impossible one, until if he proves in contrast. We are all children of the same god. We have the same capacities! If you do not find yourself capable to write a music, you guarantee that I obtained the least to write a poem. Skirt daqui, and goes to try.
Tente to write something. It did not obtain to conclude music? It goes to try to make a poem. One poemo, or several, on one determined subject, and later join everything and see if of pra to make a music. What it is more important you are always you are with the head ' ' in movimento' '. Writing something, thinking about something, thinking about what he is. He thought? He puts that in a paper. He never leaves to write from fear, nor for nothing. He always keeps contact with the writing. The anonymous one of today, can be the example of tomorrow! It thinks well before saying that you are not capable!
The Encounter
Mind is in every side but our main Association head and, of itself, is a misconception. We are also filled with limited and mistaken associations which are those that give shape to our lives. Then, a way of breaking with what has been learned is open your mind to the field of the unlimited. This is a process, it does not happen overnight overnight, normally. The trip to open the mind and achieve comprehensive awareness is a great adventure. For example, learn to feel the force around us and understand, internally, that there is no difference between rock, tree, Earth and the spacecraft from Luke. Learn how you can really feel the union between these apparent things separated, who clearly feel that relationship and energy dynamics, you can do something as He did Yoda: take the ship of the swamp. It seems impossible? Only it seems! It seems science fiction? Well, that certainly seems and then why know, deep down, that Yes it is possible, that is true? Undoubtedly, the process that has to be experienced to get to experience such a union is not something that most, we are willing to do because it is much work with oneself and in an unknown, illogical and symbolic field.
What laziness! Best live la vida loca! Recently I had an experience that completely disrupted my life. Given the conditions that took place in the encounter with a person, I had the opportunity to know her inside out instead of outside-in. Slowly and with each space between words, was finding, like the contents of one of these movies mentioned, an identification with that inner truth that wraps, attracts, overwhelms and moves. See inside this person, even if this person does not see the same way, was reason for my heart opening like a flower of Lotus. The vulnerability of open heart had not known ever before and, hence, I could identify the Kingdom of the elves in the Lord of the rings.
The Use Of The Cinema In The Classroom
The USE OF the CINEMA IN the CLASSROOM * Luciette Gomes Amorim SUMMARY the present assay considers a new to look at for the educational reality by means of the cinema that if discloses of unknown and independent form, since we are ahead of a context dominated for images is necessary the diversification of languages for our educators in order to potencializar education, the cinema with art will be ally of the education in order to form citizens. In this way if we do not know that we do not go to solve but in certain way we will brighten up the one of the biggest concerns lack of stimulatons in children and young in the school, in the classrooms mainly when they are of history. The professor must adopt the cinema as source to know description, elements that reflect sensitivity, rationality, is inserted there as well as the socialization shared in the exchange of information in the established debates. Word-Key: Classroom, School, Cinema, Education of history. It is observvel the great impact of the cinema and its power in the transmission of ideas, ahead of this function it is for the historian, history professor a resource not more delinquent. Of this the revolution of the Annales the historiografia incorporated the importance of the diversification of the sources thus extending its field of inquiry, criticizing factual history, is then in this circumstance that it acquires object status of analyzes historical.
The document is not more only the writing, officer the word gains a way direction ampler that the image, the sound now passes to be been valid as registers. The historiografia walks for another bias where the great personages and facts are not more central offices, spaces for one confide ' ' New Histria' ' new boardings. The iconography must together be criticized with the context in which she was inserted since this is not immune the ideological manipulations and is product of the society, of the time produced that it is of utmost importance is intent to this detail.