Archive for December, 2013
Perhaps Luis Miguel unintentionally, has managed to synthesize the best melodies, although there are still many more that he has not been able to sing them, it is impossible to include them all. The great merit of Luis Miguel, is this attempt to to recreate many compositions by authors like: Manzanero, Vicente Garrido, Cesar Portillo de la Luz, etc.; though powerful, manly voice, and young figure of an artist, he has made thousands figures in art, to imitate it as a cultural phenomenon, and is a masterful lesson in good music selection for new generations. I hope that many artists do something like this, for the sake of the culture of their countries. For me it is a cultural phenomenon, since it has not only managed to recreate them, but synthesize them in your selection, make a few modern arrangements to orchestrations of the melodies, and interpret them with feeling and good voice. Perhaps the inability of many young artists see in this type of work, a great cultural value, has made some look at him with envy, and are treated to dull their figure at Premios Festivales Granmys Latino in criticism excessive about her figure and its artistic value. If his performances of new songs are brilliant, and have a letter and fabulous music like: I propose this evening, Tu solo tu, now that you you go, give me love, I want, I need you, Sun sand and sea, etc. perhaps not be able stick both, despite to be good songs and hits, in comparison with the beautiful themes that has sung by other composers of the past, and which are closer to the romantic. But they are part of the artistic career of the young artist, and will the new numbers that have to remember these current generations in the future, perhaps in his voice, or in other voices, although I am a witness that many are well disseminated and accepted by the present generations, and listened to because no, because older generations with the expectation of what’s newthat it reaches them.
Salzburg Verona
I said in my previous entry that every August always have expiry date and present, you are already taking it. We will soon start a new September with those missed vivid memories of a few days that, in my case, have been intensely memorable. Attend the music festivals of Salzburg and Verona and do traveling by motorcycle is one of the most suggestive experiences as I could want and that has allowed me to discover the personality of some of Europe’s most exciting cities and the bucolic charm of these vertical alpine landscapes that rival to become the most beautiful postcard. All framing some of the most exciting operatic days by my vivid in the world cradle of summer classical music. My path of overnight stays was: Valencia-Segovia-Burdeos-Ginebra-Como-Innsbruck-Sa lzburgo (Don Giovanni de Mozart, Romeo and Julieta de Gounod, Norma de Bellini, Ivan the Terrible Prokofiev) – curtain DAmpezzo-Verona (Aida de Verdi) – Cannes-Cadaques-Sitges-Valencia. The Salzburger Festspiele is undoubtedly the most important Music Festival in the world, both by its glorious past (celebrates the 90th Edition) by its exceptional present where concur productions, orchestras, directors and performers most prestigious and most famous today.
But in addition, its public elitist (come from all parts of the world) is the most understood and versed that I have shared never stalls and that, undoubtedly, is the highest possible quality assurance. I astonished the disturbing Rotary forest devised by Claus Guth for the men’s Don Giovanni portrayed by Christopher Maltman represented in the Haus fur Mozart, the ability to drama of the beautiful Anna Netrebko starring a youthful Juliette in Romeo and Juliet in the Felsenreitschule, the lesson of wisdom and subtlety Bel Canto’s big shot Edita Gruberova as a rule that put the public on foot with his unmatched Casta Diva at the Grosses Festspielhaus and the dramatic force of a veteran Gerard Depardieu narrating in Russian a Ivan the Terrible masterfully directed by Riccardo Muti at the Wiener Philharmoniker. From show to show my desired pilgrimages to places where was born, lived, wrote and played Mozart became again the finding that some men always lived to never die. Then in the Arena of Verona (88 Festival), the monumental Aida decorated by maestro Franco Zeffirelli, popular and summer, should listen to the indulgence of attending a show where the stars of the open sky and the cool breeze that descends from the Dolomites rival allowed flashes and the cart of ice cream at the intervals. Italy is also so. They say that Verona is the city of love, the same as in their walks streets and romantic balconies swore to always Romeo and Juliet and I could also enjoy the excellent Salzburg operatic version, to verify once again that the only real art is that: love dress music, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature high expressions of human talent that have allowed us to achieve the miracle of interpreting what he has always been more ineffable: the irresistible power of feelings as an engine of our actions and definitor of the meaning of life. Antonio j.
Travel To Germany
Germany is located in the Centre of Europe and extends from the Alps in the South to the North Sea in the Norte.Limita with Austria and Switzerland in the South, Poland and the Czech Republic in the East, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands in the West; and Denmark in the North. With some of the largest cities in Europe, Germany, offers a unique experience to all travelers. The South of Germany, is ideal for the outdoor and adventure.Within the border of Germany is a part of the mountain range of the Alps, two of the major rivers of Europe: the Rhine and Danube, and the Black Forest Scenic. In any of the German cities of a relaxing holiday you can enjoy at any time of the year.Its major cities are ideal for buyers.The weekly markets are carried out in all cities and the Christmas markets usually begin in late November. The currency of Germany is the Euro, and visitors from outside of the area of the EU are entitled to a VAT refund on goods No groceries purchased in German stores. The German people are known for their efficiency, and this is reflected right through its transportation system.Its rail system is first class and makes that travel from city to city a real pleasure.Most of the large German cities have a metro with a frequent agile service system. The climate in Germany is different in the East the summers are very hot and the winter months are very cold.In the North the climate is very cool during the summer and winters mild keep.
Autumn is the most popular time to travel to Germany.The majority of German cities to conduct cultural festivals during September and October.If you are traveling to Germany during the month of October, be sure to visit the city of Munich here you can experience the biggest festival of beer in the world and shows some of the best beers produced in Germany. Music festivals are usually held during the summer and autumn months.Festivals special music they are conducted every year for the famous composers.For Beethoven, the festival is normally held in Bonn and in the State of Thuringia, a festival which is held usually by Bach. Winter holidays are very welcome in Bavaria, the biggest of the 16 German States, where you can enjoy a holiday of skiing in the Alps and the black forest. With more than 2000 museums, Germany has a culture rich in art and literature.Eight German have won the Nobel Prize for literature.October also has another great festival in the second week of October, Frankfurt has the book fair the world, which attracts writers and editors from all parts of the world’s largest. So if you are traveling to Germany which has 14 international airports to choose from in case of connecting flights can be the most German cities. Welcome to (Leaders in Peruvian tourism, Machu Picchu and Cusco Tours) International posts, dedicated to all travelers who wish to travel around the world.
Chechnya Cases
This occurs most often on the first floor high-rise buildings or the operation of the instrument after his long-term storage in inappropriate conditions. As a building material mice, most often use the newspaper. On a fairly large fragments of one of these nests, I spotted a newspaper "Pravda" with the materials the funeral of Comrade Stalin, IV In another case, they were pieces of paper pre-reform bills, and look at this the grandmother expressed some vague suspicions, and grandfather averted his eyes, with evident regret about lost forever "zanachke." The analysis showed that the mouse as an input to its "well arranged" accommodation use the pedal box, and nothing else – "a trick". Old wizards, able to characters on the famous painting "Hunters in camp," says cases of successful exploitation of the piano as a shelter, such representatives of wildlife as pets, hamsters, chipmunks, and even proteins. Nothing about it I can not say we whites do not live, they need wood, but we have more steppe and even desert. I hope that has convincingly demonstrated that hygienic cleaning tools necessary component of no small importance, and, moreover, is required. I will cite only one case that clearly confirms this conclusion. We were in town, after the events, one family moved from Chechnya.
After some time the girl became ill with severe allergies. After numerous medical interviewers was diagnosed and the most probable allergens – house mouse. Apartment new, modern, European-performance, third floor, there is no garbage disposal, all new furniture and Italian. Performing the piano tuning, by the way is very, very good tool, under the keyboard, I found a mouse nest. All fell into place, the disease has arisen girl immediately after the acquisition of second-hand piano and knows how stored before.
Each year now I tune the piano, the worst disease girls, even at surprise to doctors and to the great satisfaction of the parents, was held immediately after the adjustment. The question of influence on the quality of sound dust also is important, of course, a pure instrument sounds "cleaner" and, in my hearing, some louder in some cases, this note and customers. On this occasion, I can not dwell on the massive tool in detecting cases of foreign objects found in my setup. The various coins, and sometimes old and valuable, needles, pins and all kinds of pins, scissors, nail files, combs, pots out of cosmetics, boxes of matches and some matches and have lots and lots of all "junk" sometimes quite extensive and unexplained by the method of ingestion. Often it is found during the operation piano when denied mechanics. No less often all that is revealed in the process of adjustment. Some of the most intelligent and resourceful children who engage in music, "under duress" is often used to, "throw" in the piano and discarded, at least for a short time before the arrival of a tuner, by occupation, by making itself a kind of vacation hated the subject. Thus, on the basis of the above, let me say that "the vacuum under the keyboard once in twenty years, this is normal" statement is not entirely correct, I think that such a procedure desirable to do still more often, although, of course, depends on the operating conditions, the elite concert halls, with climate control, periodic wet cleaning and providing the required parameters of humidity and temperature, the problem is less relevant. More the material presented in my guidelines, which can be downloaded from
Director Peter Jackson
The project, anticipated for the airport of Wellington, liked neither neighbors nor to industralists of Hollywood. Just a few they dndan the project, among them the director Peter Jackson. The airport of the New Zealand city of Wellington announced this week that cancelled its plan to construct the gigantic Wellywood poster, after untying to the wrath of the residents and the industralists of Hollywood, in the United States. " We have listened to the points of view of comunidad" , Fitzgerald, in declarations mentioned by the chain said to the executive director of the airport of Wellington, Steve TV of the New Zealand television. Although the Wellywood name was chosen in a process 15 months ago to promote the fame of the city of Wellington as it soothes of great cinematographic productions like the gentleman of the ring or Transformation, the representatives of the airport are going to consider other alternatives. " For that reason, we have decided to put under different options through a process from selection with comunidad" , he limited Fitzgerald. The initiative to place the signboard ' Wellywood' , endorsed by director Peter Jackson and described by its detractors like " burda" and " ridcula" , he motivated that the Chamber of Commerce of Hollywood threatened a judicial demand by presumed plagiarism. The idea of ' Wellywood' it displeased, according to one recent survey, to 68% of the residents of Wellington, that protested in the streets or expressed their rejection to the initiative in diverse social networks. Source of the news: The rejection knocks down the poster that it imitated to Hollywood in New Zealand
Among the dead silence once talked mountain guns of our battery, when the Turkish cavalry appeared in front, unfolds before Sheinovo Against us was fifteen Turkish guns Concentrated their fire was directed solely against the group today Skobelev – Lord! – He turned. – Will you hear a Scatter more widely Otherwise us – Today, my life needs! – In the form of explanation he said afterwards. – Kuropatkin wounded, it is not. If they kill me. there will be nobody to take command We parted on a fairly large space – Now the Turks suitable reinforcements! – Skobelev said anxiously. – How do you know? – And do you hear? In the din of the Turkish batteries were allocated to distant sounds of horns. Turks are fed signals.
Skobelev stepped up our left flank and pushed the militia to the Pass, where he opinion, there were three Turkish camp. – They are scoundrels, guess that is so small caliber guns! It is necessary to deceive the enemy Put people have guns! – Ordered the general. The second battle line came to stand with music and songs. Deployed banners swayed slightly wind About 11 hours the Turks concentrated their fire on our left flank. There Skobelev sent shooters Uglich shelf People began to fall By weight of bullets, dashing forward, we see that Turks are not here, however, as the number fifteen enclaves
Moscow Worker
Blok out of ten poems – eight bad and two good ones, but such good to me, perhaps, do not write "(L. Nikulin years of our lives. Memories and portraits. Moscow: Moscow Worker, 1966, p. 130).
Not all the songs sung by Tatiana Bulanova deserve to have their called masterpieces of pop art. There are (not eight out of ten, of course), mediocre, both in terms of theme and execution, frankly weak, do not touch the soul. But, really creative success, where singer, we can say is "itself" in the deep complicity roles are hits, true masterpieces of all time and is deeply touched by the audience. As noted in the advertisement information, the singer's voice: soft and authoritative at the same time. This "arrogance" (meaning, impact on the soul) comes from the sincerity of the performance of songs, great performance and ownership by itself the internal absorption in the element of feeling. The archetype of Persephone, role-playing scenario of Persephone, which is characteristic for Tatyana Bulanova, assumes a special sincerity and openness to the world.
Persephone archetype corresponds to the Inner Child, and if you say more broadly, this role-playing scenario involves several steps, which reflect the transition from childhood to adulthood. And of course, that child is open to all new, but at the same time, he vulnerable, sensitive, and even helpless. Of course, belonging to the scenario of Persephone does not mean "childlike" in the truest sense of the word. This is an archetype of female initiation, ie maturation, formation, initiation into adulthood.