Archive for May, 2013
Belong to a travel Club, has made possible our dream of travel more than once a year. Due to numerous of my family, a holiday club has solved our limitation travel together to dream places. We have enjoyed the pleasure of traveling thanks to the affordable prices that only a club can offer its members together. If you’re the type of person who * dreams of viajar.*Disfruta of the sea, swimming pools, Sun, like nature etc.*Le travel in familia.*No wants to always travel to the same sitio.*Gana money but does not reach for the hoteles.*No have to buy a multipropiedad.*ademas..Their work absorbed him. For you, do not give your family these dream vacation that deserve to relax and enjoy, might become a great frustration. In a historic moment get a timeshare was part of a solution to those problems, but did you know that the timeshares are a weight on the family budget in the long run? Due to the comparisons that I make in the following video, today in day is impractical and not economic to opt for a timeshare, so: * belong to a travel Club has become part of the solution * review on the link below, a comparative synthesis between both options and your decision is objectively something that our extended family has enjoyed life, has been vacationing together. We have always done it this way and it has been for an enriching experience that strengthens even more our family ties.Definitely travel in family is a dream come true and what we definitely found to belong to a travel Club. Receive a cordial greeting from Aura live should be something more than exist enjoy the wonders that us gives God!
About Club Penguin
Club Penguin is a MMOG (stands for Massively multiplayer online game, translated as massively multiplayer game online) most popular worldwide and undoubtedly the first choice of all children. Originally developed by Club Penguin Entertainment (company whose real name is New Horizons Interactive), and then acquired by the giant The Walt Disney Company for $ 350 million. Imagine the value which has to be this game today, so Disney purchased it at the time. Club Penguin now has more than 12 million users around the world, most of them children. The game consists of adopting one of different and funny penguins colors available. Each of these has a distinct personality, and with them will be various activities and games within the virtual environment of the game, in addition to interacting with other players. Club Penguin is also very popular for its safe environment for children, with quite a few methods of protection and conservation of good behavior. The developers thought of Club Penguin originally as a place where their children could enjoy safely and without risks of other virtual environments. If they want to be the envy of your friends, I recommend you watch these club penguin tricks.
ClubLine Express Program
The ClubLine Express program already boasts 1,700 customers about 1,700 customers already belong to ClubLine Express, the loyalty program for clients of Tourline Express franchise, which was launched last June. For the Ensign, these data show the acceptance that have these programs, giving gifts and benefits to clients in exchange for their loyalty. Every month will have given high on the agenda around 300 clients, an increase of 111% of Tourline Express expectations. Under the slogan turns your points into advantages, users have already accumulated a total of 1.4 million points. The company’s objective that, beginning in 2011, 15% of 38,000 customers that already has the franchise, belong to this loyalty program. The benefits that customers have obtained amongst the acquisition of tools and small appliances. In addition, also have opted for contributions to NGO s such as Save the Children, destined for shipment of supplements of vitamin A to countries of the third world, as well as the acquisition of antibiotic against pneumonia. The Ensign used this program to better understand the profile of consumer customers, have which allows them to improve their quality of service.
Miguel Angel Bajero, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Tourline Express, points out that these figures are above our objectives and guarantee our firm decision to stand beside our clients and makes us a reference in terms of attention them, marketing policy and commitment to service. In addition, the franchise has presented a new biodegradable envelope is constituted by a film of biopolymer with corn starch and other vegetable and organic components. This decision corresponds to the policy of social responsibility of the Ensign, which seeks responsible attitudes aimed at all the business areas. The envelope is available to contract the service of transport 08: 30 hours, and keeps the same measures and handling characteristics, operation and maintenance to the ancestors. Under Bakero, promote responsible attitudes, which reduce to the maximum the negative effects that our activity may cause to the environment, besides becoming an exemplary company that works every day for being responsible with our environment.You can consult the guide of franchises to have greater repertoire of franchises in Spain. News, articles, interviews with franchises, new franchises, franchise Guide, all the news in the world of the franchise you can consult it in directory of franchises.