Archive for October, 2010
My Visit To Dubai And Abi Dhabi
When you arrive in Dubai during the winter the temperature is between 20-25C. Still have not been there during the summer but I guess 50C summer is to stay at home a “the opposite of Europe! Even so there is air conditioning in most places. One thing that surprised me was the weather sandstorms. Care must be taken when the wind blows the sand up and down the streets and the sky. The most incredible is that the city is a place that is growing fast and steadily, with cranes and construction across the landscape. The Occupying its own building world’s tallest, Burj Dubai is almost finished and the Dubai Mall with over 1200 shops, aquariums, ice rinks … The Mall of Emirates with ski trail also shows the appearance of the fast growing city. For me there are two Dubais.
First a Viejo Dubai, with its souks and markets that show the traditional city. Then there is the most shining and new Dubai, shopping malls, and restaurants. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming, but both are genuine and Dubai real, just different. The United Arab Emirates are a new country and a lot of development has been since the discovery of oil in the ’50s and the unification of the Emirates in the early 70s. This is how both the Governor has decided to continue with development from the skyscrapers until there is something for everyone. Abu Dhabi has an incredible development plan and will build a Louvre museum (affiliated to that of Paris), a Guggenheim, and a theater … He wants to differentiate itself becoming the cultural capital of the country. The Emirates Palace Hotel deserves to be seen and non-Muslim people can visit the great mosque that has guided tours at 10 every day except Friday. The souk in Shangri-La has many restaurants and bars overlooking the water at the mosque, and Constance, of course!
The Tormes As
Normally, we do not remember that we have the river. This is fortunate because if we begin to observe it, the neglect and abandonment of its banks would plunge us into a collective depression. Before, it occurred to us not only to us. Bilbao, for example, be accommodated to the river Nervion that, by that of the historical exploitation of open-cast iron, had become a sewer. More or less at the opening of the Guggenheim museum, someone must have thought that a museum could not be erected next to a real flow of liquid sewage, so they clean up the river. ” Today, a pleasure to see or at least does not produce the grime of the past, when people fall to it did not die of drowning, but because of its stench. More obvious still is the case of Valencia, where the diversion has Turia riverbed landscaping and make it a place of leisure and entertainment, along a route that goes from the large art gallery of St.
Pius V to the very modern and protein City of Arts and Science. Of course the river wear the other party had its origin in the terrible flood of 1957, and is not the oven today to floods or other rolls that allow revolutionize the Tormes and their environment so let’s leave it in place but, yes , as a whistle, which is not the case. I still remember the controversy three years ago between the City and the Hydrographic Confederation of who had the responsibility of its maintenance, not to claim it, but to remove the dead top. It seems clear today that the bank has the responsibility of the municipalities and the channel for the Confederacy, but if you want rice, Catalina … Only the actions of a minority consciousness neighbors occasionally bring it up the river cleaning. On Saturday, scores of them stationed in the stretch of the bridge to Prince of Asturias Arrabal Acena devoted to fish instead of fish, tires, plastics, bottles and other detritus. His, unfortunately, is a solitary and symbolic action ratifies the collective disinterest by a river and wanted for themselves many towns in Spain.
Between Displays And Banalities
Form takes precedence over substance. a This is the new slogan that governs the creative intelligence of contemporary societies. The taste for the aesthetic and the spectacle of the wrapper has supplanted to a large extent, budgets rational use and the ultimate meaning of architectural, culinary developments or trends in extravagant fashion. The XXI century has been renamed as the century of appearances, where nothing is what it seems. Far from the rational and functional experience of decades ago insistently pursuing the optimization of resources and efficiency carried to the extreme, in these days of how the response has replaced the usual questions of what and why. What matters now is the originality and visual impact of the creations so they can claim the attention of the man of our day, accustomed to almost everything, and unwilling to waste time in speculations too convoluted. Time has become a scarce commodity that the individual can not waste searching in the depth of content. The continent becomes often the main reference of reality.
In the rush to find something different has been neglected so that gives things their reason for being and for which they were created. Buildings like the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, or the a “pear, Sidney, both with an architectural beauty out of the question, get distract the visitor from the works of art, theater or opera taking place inside. The presence of structure magnanimous moves to the background their practical function and ultimately the most advantageous offer for the company.A company also in other areas of creativity as food or fashion shows, the eclipse of the meaning of the signifier .
Take the Optimistic View
The reality of these limitations exists only in the mind. You have the choice to either believe in or doubt your limitations. So, you have a choice. You can choose to be like the great composer, Beethoven, who once was told by her music teacher that as a composer, was useless. Beethoven acknowledged that he would be arrested for the label her music teacher put it, even though he was deaf. GET RID OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT SUPPORT THAT When career change professional, you may find that you struggle with their own attacks of doubt.
The last thing you need is that other people can say what they should and should not do, especially when you recognize that is not fully supported their efforts. With these people (and we all have in our lives), you must advise you love and care for them, but I would appreciate if they kept their comments about their ambitions for themselves. If not eliminate external sources of negativity, find your passions getting buried deep within himself. Recognizing that money is as plentiful as the air People sometimes do not pursue a particular career, believing that they will not do the same or more money than they are currently earning. Again, recognize that this belief is a limitation. Working for the elimination of these patterns of thought. Instead, realize that each and every job, you have the potential to make as much money as you want.
That’s right. You can make as much money as you want. Although Henry Ford was poor and uneducated, dreamed of a horseless carriage and his dream came true of what we know today as the automobile. Therefore, you must have the mentality that money is as plentiful as air. Did you ever find yourself concerned that you might not have enough air? Do you keep track of the number of breaths you take in the day, so you do not run? The answer is no, and in fact someone might think you’re crazy if you think you would experience a shortness of breath. The same is true for money. The abundance mentality is the first step in creating the wealth that accompanies your passions. Look Ahead The best way to squelch your fears is to keep eyes on the dream you want. Stephen Covey says that you must have the end in mind. Ask yourself, what would ultimately be? What do you people say about you when you die? By focusing on his dream, it is easier to reach because they can developing the necessary measures that will take you from where you are today where you want to be. Making a career change becomes less fearful and more systematic. Note that if you work 40 hours per week, then work around 2000 hours per year. Even if you are five years away, could you imagine doing his job for another 10,000 more hours? If not, make a change in your career. Your future and happiness are waiting!
Recommended Reading
You might think that people are more concerned about their money. Not so. Everyone counts their money sometime. However, the time, daily, hourly people are concerned. You see them looking at their watches frequently, counting the time consumed and the remaining time. Nobody likes to be without knowing what time of day it is, what day of the week, month and what year is living. Our society worships at the time.
We not only watches of all kinds and appearances. We also have events calendars and make compliance more anniversaries. Running out of time creates more anxiety than do without a penny. Many times we would have more time. Browse back time.
We would like to be with our family or fun or sleep longer, live longer. But this remedy is not only the most valuable, is also the most consumed. Note that we have to invest money rather than just on occasion. The time of course we spent every moment. For everything we need. But that’s not the worst. Using it would be perfectly reasonable. The problem is that abuse it, we threw it away and invest in unproductive things. I do not speak the leisure or fun. They need them to relax and be more productive when we get back to work. Rather talk about how bad sometimes organize our time, our schedules. In the periods when we could do 20 tasks we only end or begin in March. We had a procrastinate. So bad manage the most valuable of our resources. We behave as if we had. But believe me, that feeling is nothing but a deceptive illusion. No one plenty of time and no one knows for sure how far account. This could be your last hour of life, or mine. Just to think we worry about not having more time to spend. However, it is reasonable to invest a little of that resource in thinking about how to best use. Let’s plan, we project our core activities. Prepare for the future and think about tomorrow in advance. In this way we will win a long time that we can use to achieve additional goals and dreams. The day will come when almost no time we have left. Let us try at least to the time we reached satisfaction is good use made of it.
Exhilirating Tarot Reading
Tarot reading is for beginners. Senses that can warn you of potential in the cards you choose, but may be hard to reach communities that are unavailable. We understand that everyone has to start somewhere and Tarot reading is the same. Nine-step model to take into account when reading Tarot for beginners So many of the tarot with extensive experience in the matter and may also find some useful aids. This is geared mostly to those who want to throw the tarot for themselves, but confirm that will be useful if at some point want to make Tarot reading to someone else. 1) The Tarot reading is easier when you are relaxed and ready for any message which may arise from this. The reason why this is so significant is because one is often tempted to read the cards when you have faith that the achieved answer will be helpful. Amiss, this would only damage your analysis and you will lose absolutely all the wisdom they are offering.
2) It is possible that being a beginner use the Tarot reading a book with the meaning of the letters. 3) When reading tarot cards for a particular reason, consider that the place where to place the cards symbolize an aspect of his life, like yesterday or this, etc. 4) Not all have a psychic gift. However, we can all build upon the natural abilities we have. Shooting Tarot cards every day, can enhance mental ability. 5) Choose your deck of cards carefully. The point is that the figures must speak. Keep different decks of cards available to choose the game that best serve you according to your mood.
6) You can use the Tarot reading for quick and easy questions, but if so, just choose a playing card. 7) Write comments about your readings. It’s the best way to see that there are figures that are repeated regularly in their readings. If you chuck yourself, it’s very easy to get involved too much and lost messages helpful. 8) Have fun! The calmer is, the more fun with their circulation. 9) Look for multiple ways and practices for testing the cards. Tarot of Destiny